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NR 554 Nurse Leader and Healthcare Policy: Comprehensive Support for Your Coursework

A warm welcome to Nurse Leader and Healthcare Policy (NR 554)! Learn how nurse leaders may influence healthcare policy and push for good change in this informative and engaging course. Get the education and experience you need to positively affect patient outcomes in the face of challenging healthcare problems.

NR 554 Week 7 Assignment: Commitment to Action – Teen Suicide Prevention (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 7 Assignment Learn more about how to help prevent teen suicide. Create a far-reaching strategy to improve community mental health and address this delicate issue.

NR 554 Week 5 Assignment: Teen Suicide – Executive Summary (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 5 Assignment Master the art of writing a compelling executive summary by focusing on what matters most in regards to the teen suicide problem and how to address it.

NR 554 Week 3 Assignment: Teen Suicide Prevention (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 3 Assignment Determine what causes teenage suicide and create effective plans for early intervention and prevention depending on what you find.

NR 554 Week 8 DQ (with Peer Response): Future Work (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 8 Share what you’ve learned about your future career as a nurse leader impacting healthcare policy and reflect on your learning journey throughout the course.

NR 554 Week 7 Assignment plus Discussions (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 7 Assignment Integrate learning from theory and practice by finishing an assignment with stimulating conversations with classmates.

NR 554 Week 6 Discussions with Answers (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 6 DISCUSSUON Discuss the importance of healthcare policy, the difficulties of being a leader, and the potential benefits of new approaches to patient care.

NR 554 Week 5 Assignment plus Discussions (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 5 Assignment Get work done while taking part in lively debates regarding the effects of healthcare policy reform on the delivery of medical treatment.

NR 554 Week 4 Discussions with Answers (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 4 DISCUSSION Nursing leadership, healthcare legislation, and the influence of nurses on policy reform are all topics worthy of discussion and debate.

NR 554 Week 3 Assignment plus Discussions (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 3 Assignment You will analyze a healthcare policy for an assigned project and take part in class discussions that will deepen your grasp of the policy’s consequences.

NR 554 Week 2 Discussions with Answers (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 2 Discuss important issues that lie at the crossroads of nurse leadership and healthcare policy.

NR 554 Week 1 Discussions with Answers (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 1 DISCUSSION Participating in conversations that provide an introduction to the principles of nursing leadership and healthcare policy is a great way to get started on your learning journey.

NR 554 Course Assignment Week 3, 5, 7 (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Course Assignment Explore a series of in-depth tasks that are spread out throughout the course and address crucial components of nurse leadership and the implementation of policies.

NR 554 Discussion Questions with Answers Week 1 – 8 (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Course Assignment Find the answers to thought-provoking conversation questions that test your knowledge of nursing leadership and healthcare policy while also challenging your critical thinking skills.

NR 554 Entire Course Week 1 – 8 (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Entire Course Week 1 To ensure that you get the most out of your educational experience, you may access all of the course materials, assignments, conversations, and resources in a single location.

Join us in NR 554 Nurse Leader and Healthcare Policy to learn how to become a proactive nurse leader who advocates for evidence-based policy and creates positive change in the healthcare industry.


How do you envision using concepts and skills learned in this course in your future work as a healthcare-policy nurse leader?

NR-554 Week 7 DQ (with Peer Response): Contributing Factors of Change

Considering the many factors that contribute to the change process, what are the most consistent factors that challenge nurse advocates seeking change?

NR 554 Week 7 DQ (with Peer Response): Resource Appreciation

Share your experiences with interdisciplinary, community, state, and national individuals or special interest groups. How are healthcare issues …. ? How do the views of non-healthcare professionals contribute to the healthcare policy discussion?

NR 554 Week 6 DQ (with Peer Response): Nurse Advocate Power

Nursing leaders are under pressure to share their professional expertise. What is your obligation as a professional nurse to advocate for healthcare policy issues? …. the influences that impact nursing advocacy in the healthcare policy realm? What skills should you gain to successfully advocate for change?

NR-554 Week 6 DQ (with Peer Response): Committees and Communication

Communication effectiveness is a key factor throughout nursing regardless of the level or type of practice. Select a specific venue where healthcare policy discussions may be held. What communication strategy would you use to communicate with stakeholders on politics, economics, team building, legal, or regulation?

NR-554 Week 5 DQ (with Peer Response): Imbedding Policy Into Healthcare Culture

From the perspective of the nursing leadership position that you expect to have upon graduation, consider how you would move a new healthcare policy into your healthcare organization. What would … the first steps taken with the organization’s leadership to gain buy-in?

NR 554 Week 5 DQ (with Peer Response): Leader Responsibility to Influence and Inform Healthcare Policy

Discuss the main task of leaders’ responsibility related to influencing and informing healthcare policy issues. How you will apply these tasks within your current role and/or expected role after graduation.

What is your role as a nurse leader in assuring policies or procedures are up to date?

What are the roles and responsibilities of a nurse leader?

What is the role of the nurse leaders in implementing innovative care models?

What is the role of the nurse leader in the change process?


NR 554 Week 7 Assignment: Commitment to Action – Teen Suicide Prevention (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 5 Assignment: Teen Suicide – Executive Summary (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 3 Assignment: Teen Suicide Prevention (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 8 DQ (with Peer Response): Future Work (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 7 Assignment plus Discussions (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 6 Discussions with Answers (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 5 Assignment plus Discussions (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 4 Discussions with Answers (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 3 Assignment plus Discussions (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 2 Discussions with Answers (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Week 1 Discussions with Answers (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Course Assignment Week 3, 5, 7 (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Discussion Questions with Answers Week 1 – 8 (Summer 2018)

NR 554 Entire Course Week 1 – 8 (Summer 2018)