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NR 508 Advanced Pharmacology: Comprehensive Support for Your Coursework

Does the coursework for NR 508 Advanced Pharmacology provide any difficulties for you? Do not be concerned; the online class support service that we provide is here to assist you. We provide support that is thorough for the entirety of the course, spanning Weeks 1 through 8 and covering all of the necessary subtopics. In the event that you require assistance with the course materials, RX writing assignments, discussions, quizzes, or preparation for the midterm or final exams, we are here to assist you.

In NR 508 Advanced Pharmacology, you will be exposed to the following important subheadings and topics:

NR 508 Entire Coursework Weeks 1 – 8:

Your knowledge of advanced pharmacological principles will be strengthened through the completion of the NR 508 coursework, which is spread out over a period of eight weeks and covers a diverse variety of pharmacology concepts and themes.

NR 508 Course Material Week 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7:

You will have the opportunity to investigate the foundational ideas of pharmacology by actively engaging with course materials that are unique to each week’s topic of emphasis.

NR 508 RX Writing Assignments Weeks 2, 3, 7:

You will have the opportunity to put your knowledge and skills to use in properly prescribing drugs through the use of these NR 508 tasks. You will go through a variety of scenarios, and you will learn to create prescriptions that are appropriate.

NR 508 Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider: TestBank Solutions:

This useful resource provides you with test bank solutions to assist you in practicing for pharmacology examinations and preparing for them, ensuring that you have an excellent grasp of the essential ideas.

NR 508 Discussion Topic Week 1, Case Study Discussion Week 2, 3, 5:

You will participate in conversations on a variety of pharmaceutical subjects as well as evaluate and NR 508 discuss case studies to increase your ability to think critically. Engaging in discussions is an essential component of the course.

NR 508 Weekly Quizzes Week 1 – 7 (Summer 2020):

You’ll be able to gauge how well you’re doing in the class by taking regular quizzes that test your knowledge of the material covered in each week’s lesson.

NR 508 Week 1 Bundle: Homework, Discussion, Quiz Collection:

The first week of the course is comprised of a variety of activities, including as homework assignments, group discussions, and NR 508 quizzes, all of which are intended to lay a solid foundation in pharmacology.

NR 508 Week 1 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020):

You will be able to put your knowledge to the test and solidify your comprehension by accessing a variety of quizzes that have been developed especially for Week 1.

Participate in a conversation that is centered on the NR 508 legal and professional sides of prescribing drugs, and explore the ethical issues and laws that are in place.

NR 508 Week 1 Homework – The Practicum Team and the FNP Practicum Process:

Finish the material that has been provided to you, which focuses on gaining a grasp of the practicum team as well as the process that is involved in the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) practicum.

NR 508 Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers: 4th Edition – TestBank:

You will be able to NR 508 practice and strengthen your understanding of pharmacotherapeutic concepts with the help of the test bank that is provided by this beneficial resource. The test bank was designed to be carefully matched with the textbook.

NR 508 Week 2 Bundle: Assignment, Discussion, Quiz Collection:

Your comprehension of pharmacological principles will be tested throughout NR 508 Week 2 with a series of topic-specific exercises, group discussions, and exams.

NR 508 Week 2 Case Study Discussion:

Original Post, NR 508 Responses 75 Pages (Multiple Versions): Participate in an in-depth discussion of a NR 508 case study, during which you and your fellow students will examine and discuss the situation that has been presented to you, investigating various points of view and potential courses of treatment.

NR 508 Week 2 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020):

You will be able to evaluate how well you grasp the material by accessing a set of quizzes that have been prepared just for NR 508 Week 2.

NR 508 Week 2 RX Writing Assignment:

NR 508 Celexa (citalopram) 20mg/day tablet: Through the completion of this assignment, you will have the opportunity to practice your skills in writing prescriptions for Celexa, a medication that is frequently prescribed.

NR 508 Week 2 RX Writing Assignment:

Escitalopram 10 mg (Dual Variants): Your skills in writing prescriptions will be further improved by completing this NR 508 assignment, which examines the various forms in which an escitalopram prescription might be written.

NR 508 Week 2 RX Writing Assignment:

Resources in addition to Example Assignments: In this section, you will have the opportunity to gain access to extra resources as well as examples of assignments that will help you improve your RX writing skills.

NR 508 Week 3 Bundle:

NR 508 Discussion of the Case Study, Homework, and the Collection of NR 508 Quizzes: In the third week of the course, you will participate in a variety of learning activities, such as case study discussions, quizzes, and assignments, to broaden your understanding of pharmacology.

NR 508 Week 3 RX Writing Assignment: Prednisone 10 mg:

You will get the opportunity to practice writing prescriptions for prednisone 10 milligrams through this assignment, which focuses on how to write those prescriptions.

NR 508 Week 3 RX Writing Assignment: Metoprolol 50mg:

Finishing this NR 508 assignment, which focuses on creating a prescription for Metoprolol 50 milligrams, will help you improve your skills in writing prescriptions.

NR 508 Week 3 Case Study Discussion: Case of Mr. Russell:

69 Page Responses (Multiple Versions): Participate in an in-depth conversation about a case study with Mr. Russell, during which you will assess his condition, suggest possible courses of therapy, and engage in conversation with your fellow students in order to acquire new points of view.

NR 508 Week 3 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020):

By completing the questions that correlate to the topics that were discussed in NR 508 Week 3, you can evaluate how well you comprehend the material that was presented.

NR 508 Week 4 Mid-term Exam (Collection):

You will get access to a collection of NR 508 practise exams to help you prepare for the midterm exam. These assessments will allow you to evaluate your level of preparedness and determine the topics on which you will need further study time.

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Possible Questions-Answers:

Acquainting yourself with potential exam questions and the solutions to those questions will allow you to practise and improve your overall performance on the test.

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Possible Questions plus Study Guide:

Get access to a study guide as well as practise questions that have been created to assist you in efficiently preparing for the midterm test.

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Filled Outline + Chart (2 Versions):

Before the midterm exam, you should make use of these completed outlines and charts to help you organise your knowledge and review important ideas.

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Review Questions/Outline (Spring 2020):

To help you better your understanding and be ready for the midterm exam, we have given you with some review questions as well as an overview.

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Exam Study Guide: Filled (3 Versions):

You will be able to more easily review the important ideas and topics that will be on the midterm exam with the assistance of our study guide, which is packed with useful content.

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Exam Material:

You will need to thoroughly prepare for the NR 508 midterm exam, thus it is important that you have access to important study tools and resources.

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Exam (Package):

Get access to a complete bundle that contains materials that have been created with the express purpose of assisting you in doing well on the midterm exam.

NR 508 Week 5 Bundle: Case Study Discussion, Quiz Collection:

In the NR 508 fifth week of the course, you will participate in a variety of activities, such as discussions based on case studies and quizzes, to help you solidify your knowledge of pharmacological principles.

NR 508 Week 5 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020):

By taking the questions that are offered, you will be able to evaluate how well you comprehend the material that was presented in NR 508 Week 5.

NR 508 Week 5 Case Study Discussion: Case of Maria:

Participate in a thought-provoking conversation on the case study centred on Maria’s medical condition, the available treatment choices, and the nursing interventions.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Assignment Using Kaltura:

You will participate in a dynamic and interesting grand rounds assignment utilising Kaltura, during which you will present a subject that is associated with pharmacology.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds PowerPoint Presentation: Osteoarthritis (15 Slide):

As part of the homework for grand rounds, you have to put together a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation on osteoarthritis.

NR 508 Week 6 Test Your Knowledge (Summer 2020):

Examine your understanding of pharmacology by participating in the activity titled “Test Your Knowledge,” which was developed especially for NR 508 Week 6 of the course.

NR 508 Test Your Knowledge (Summer 2020):

Through the use of this in-depth knowledge assessment, you will be tested on your mastery of pharmacology topics.

NR 508 Week 6 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020):

By completing the questions that correspond to the topics discussed in NR 508 Week 6, you can evaluate how well you understand the material that was presented during that week.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation, Quiz Collection: Participate in a grand rounds presentation and use the associated tests to evaluate how well you understand the information that is being delivered to you.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation+Week 7 Discussion Based on Presentation:

You will give your presentation for the grand rounds assignment, and then you will take part in a discussion that is based on the presentation. This will allow for additional investigation of the issue.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation:

Anticoagulants for the Outpatient Treatment of Patients with Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation (13 Slides): Anticoagulants for Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation Prepare a comprehensive presentation for the grand rounds on the use of anticoagulants for the treatment of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation who are receiving care outside of the hospital.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment: Migraine Headache (15 Slide):

As part of your homework for grand rounds, you will need to create a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation on the subject of migraine headaches.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds PowerPoint Presentation: Depression in Primary Care (15 Slide):

As part of your project for grand rounds, you will need to develop a comprehensive NR 508 PowerPoint presentation that centers on the subject of depression in primary care.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds PowerPoint Presentation: Asthma (15 Slide):

As part of the project for grand rounds, you will need to put up an educational PowerPoint presentation on the subject of asthma.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation: Allergic Rhinitis (15 Slide):

Create a comprehensive presentation for grand rounds on the subject of allergic rhinitis, including all aspects of the condition including its genesis, diagnosis, and therapy.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment: Headache (15 Slides):

As part of the homework for grand rounds, you will need to put together a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation on the subject of headaches.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment: Diabetes Type 2 (15 Slides):

As part of your project for grand rounds, you are to develop an interesting PowerPoint presentation that focuses on diabetes NR 508 type 2.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment: Sinusitis (15 Slides):

Create a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation on the topic of sinusitis, including sections on its pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and treatment options.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI):

Give a comprehensive presentation on urinary tract infections at the grand rounds, focusing on their causes as well as diagnosis and treatment options.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment:

You can enhance your knowledge of pharmaceutical subjects by attending a variety of grand rounds presentations and completing the associated homework.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds: Hypertension Presentation (15 Slide):

As part of your project for grand rounds, you will need to put together an in-depth PowerPoint presentation on hypertension.

NR 508 Weeks 6, 7 Grand Rounds Topics Overview:

You will get a full comprehension of the issue by getting an overview of the grand rounds themes that were covered in NR 508 Weeks 6 and 7.

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds PowerPoint Presentation: Parkinson’s Disease (Study Material):

You should look at some study materials that are centered on Parkinson’s illness to assist you in getting ready for the grand rounds NR 508 assignment.

NR 508 Weeks 6 plus Week 7 Grand Rounds: Cystitis and Pyelonephritis (Fall 2019):

By attending the presentations during grand rounds, you will have the opportunity to learn important information on the causes of cystitis and pyelonephritis as well as the methods used to diagnose and treat them.

NR 508 Week 7 RX Writing Assignment: Metoprolol tartrate 50 mg:

By completing this assignment, which focuses on creating a prescription for Metoprolol tartrate 50 mg, you will be able to improve your skills in writing prescriptions.

NR 508 Week 7 Case Study Discussion: Case of Mrs. Adams:

Take part in a roundtable discussion on an interactive case study focusing around the medical condition of Mrs. Adams, the available treatment choices, and the nursing interventions.

NR 508 Week 7 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020):

By taking the quizzes that are offered, you will be able to evaluate how well you comprehend the material that was presented in NR 508 Week 7.

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam (Collection):

You will have access to a selection of sample exams in order to help you prepare for the NR 508 final exam. These exams will allow you to evaluate your level of preparedness and determine which topics require additional study.

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide:

Get access to a detailed study guide that explains important concepts and subjects that need to be reviewed for the final test.

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam Possible Questions plus Study Guide:

Acquainting oneself with potential test questions and the solutions to those questions can facilitate successful practice and preparation on your part.

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam Filled Outline + Chart (2 Versions):

Before the final test, you should make use of these completed outlines and charts to arrange the information you have learned and to review the key topics.

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam Review Questions/Outline (Spring 2020):

To help you better your understanding and be ready for the final test, we have given you with some review questions as well as an overview.

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide: Filled (3 Versions):

You will be able to more easily review the important themes and concepts that will be on the final exam with the assistance of this thorough NR 508 study guide, which is packed with useful content.

Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nurses: Test Bank:

Obtain extra practice questions and assessment tools from a pharmacology test bank.

Remember, our online class help service provides comprehensive support throughout the NR 508 Advanced Pharmacology course. Coursework, assignments, conversations, quizzes, test preparation, and more are our specialties. We can help with your specific demands.


Question: When prescribing acyclovir, patients should be educated regarding the:

Answer: When prescribing acyclovir, inform patients:

Acyclovir is used for herpes simplex, shingles, and genital herpes, thus patients should know why.

Acyclovir dosage, frequency, and duration should be explained to patients. Emphasize the significance of finishing the prescribed medicine.

Acyclovir may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and rash. They should report severe or persistent side effects to their doctor.

Drug interactions: Patients should tell their doctor about any medications, including over-the-counter and herbal supplements, to avoid acyclovir interactions.

Precautions and contraindications: Patients should be notified of any acyclovir-related precautions or contraindications, including as allergies or medical conditions that may necessitate dose modifications or strict monitoring.

Follow-up: Patients should appreciate the importance of follow-up meetings or consultations to assess treatment efficacy and address any issues or problems that may arise during therapy.

Healthcare practitioners must educate patients about the medicine, its purpose, and how to use it safely and effectively.

Question: To prevent further development of antibacterial resistance, it is important that fluoroquinolones are reserved for the treatment of:

Answer: Fluoroquinolones should only be used for serious infections when other treatments fail to avoid antimicrobial resistance. Broad-spectrum fluoroquinolones kill many bacteria. However, overuse or misuse can lead to resistant germs, making these medications less effective.

Therefore, fluoroquinolones should be used sparingly to treat severe bacterial infections such pneumonia, complex urinary tract infections, or certain bacterial strains that are sensitive. Healthcare professionals can reduce antibacterial resistance and preserve antibiotic efficacy by using them only in these conditions. s

Question: Pharmaceutical promotion may affect prescribing. To address the impact of pharmaceutical promotion, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has made the following recommendations:

Answer: The Institute of Medicine (IOM), now the National Academy of Medicine, has advised on how pharmaceutical promotion affects prescribing. Some suggestions:

Pharmaceutical corporations should declare all financial relationships and conflicts of interest with healthcare professionals and institutions. Transparency ensures impartial prescription.

Independent, evidence-based, industry-free continuing education for healthcare professionals is needed. This helps doctors stay current on research and treatment standards without pharmaceutical marketing.

Healthcare organizations and professional societies should create standards for pharmaceutical company-healthcare professional contacts. These standards can help ensure ethical, scientific, and suitable interactions.

Monitoring and enforcement: Regulatory bodies should have the power and resources to monitor and enforce pharmaceutical promotion restrictions. This includes checking promotional materials, verifying claims, and taking action against dishonest or misleading activities.

These principles enhance evidence-based prescribing, limit pharmaceutical advertising, and protect the prescribing process.

Question: Nicholas has been diagnosed with type A influenza. Appropriate prescribing of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) would include:

Answer: Appropriate prescribing of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) for a patient diagnosed with type A influenza may include the following considerations:

Timely initiation: Oseltamivir works best when begun within 48 hours of symptoms. Early drug prescription can reduce symptom severity and duration.

Dosage and duration: Age, weight, and symptom intensity determine oseltamivir dosage and duration. Follow prescribed guidelines and modify dosage as needed.

Patient education: Patients should be told to finish their oseltamivir treatment even if their symptoms improve. This maximizes efficacy and decreases antiviral resistance.

Monitoring adverse effects: Patients should be advised that oseltamivir may cause nausea, vomiting, headache, and occasionally allergic reactions. They should notify their doctor of any serious adverse effects.

Contagion prevention: Patients should be instructed to cover their mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, wash their hands often, and avoid close contact with others to prevent the spread of influenza.

Oseltamivir for influenza should be prescribed based on the patient’s characteristics and the latest health authority treatment guidelines.

Question: Pharmacokinetic factors that affect prescribing include:

Answer: Pharmacokinetic considerations can influence prescribing:

Absorption: Drug absorption depends on the route of administration (oral, intravenous), drug formulation, patient’s gastrointestinal health, and concurrent food or medication ingestion. These factors affect medication bioavailability and efficacy.

Distribution: Drug distribution depends on physicochemical qualities and patient parameters such body composition, organ function, and disease. Drug distribution depends on protein binding, tissue penetration, and blood-brain barrier permeability.

Metabolism: The body converts medications into active or inactive metabolites through metabolism. Liver enzymes metabolize drugs. Genetic differences in these enzymes and drug interactions affect metabolism, effectiveness, and toxicity.

Elimination: Drugs are eliminated by renal excretion, liver metabolism, or other means. Drug elimination is affected by kidney and liver function, requiring dose modifications or alternate treatments.

These pharmacokinetic parameters assist healthcare providers prescribe appropriately and customize patient treatment regimens.

Question: An example of a first-dose reaction that may occur includes:

Answer: Allergic or hypersensitive reactions are possible first-dose reactions. The initial dose of a drug might cause mild to severe reactions. Symptoms include rash, itching, swelling, trouble breathing, disorientation, and anaphylaxis.

First-dose effects vary with drug. Healthcare providers must be alert and manage such reactions. For severe first-dose responses, antihistamines or epinephrine should be given.

Question: Monitoring for patients who are on long-term antifungal therapy with ketoconazole includes:

Answer: Long-term ketoconazole therapy monitoring may include:

Liver function tests: Long-term ketoconazole use may cause hepatotoxicity. To detect liver damage or dysfunction, monitor ALT, AST, and bilirubin levels regularly.

Ketoconazole side effects should be evaluated. This may involve monitoring for gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain), skin reactions, hormone changes (e.g., decreased testosterone, increased estrogen), and drug interactions with other drugs.

Drug interactions: Ketoconazole may interact with cytochrome P450-metabolized drugs. Drug interactions must be monitored to avoid side effects or reduced efficacy of other treatments.

Therapeutic response: Antifungal therapy should be monitored. It entails examining fungal infection resolution, symptom improvement, or reduction in aberrant laboratory findings (e.g., fungal cultures, microscopy, or other relevant diagnostic tests).

Close monitoring helps discover problems and manage long-term ketoconazole antifungal medication.

Question: Nicole is a 16-year-old female who is taking minocycline for acne. She comes to the clinic complaining of a headache. What would be the plan of care?

Answer: When Nicole, a minocycline-treated acne sufferer, complains of a headache, the treatment plan may include:

Assess headache severity and characteristics: Collect headache duration, intensity, location, and symptoms. This aids diagnosis and management.

Assess causes: Medications can cause headaches. Minocycline can cause headaches. However, tension headaches, migraines, sinusitis, and associated reasons should also be investigated.

Drug history: Assess minocycline dose, duration, and adherence. Nicole may relate the headache with minocycline if she recently started taking it or changed the dosage.

If minocycline causes the headache, try other acne treatments. The healthcare professional might discuss with Nicole the pros and cons of switching acne drugs.

Provide symptomatic relief: If the headache is minor and treatable, the doctor may recommend rest, relaxation, or cool or warm compresses. If safe for Nicole’s age and health, over-the-counter painkillers may be considered.

Monitor and follow-up: If the headache persists or worsens, it may be important to reassess, consider further investigations, or consult a neurologist.

The patient’s needs and circumstances should determine the plan of care, which should include headache evaluation and control while treating acne with minocycline.

Question: Precautions that should be taken when prescribing controlled substances include:

Answer: Prescribe restricted substances safely, legally, and responsibly. Some precautions:

Appropriate indication: Only medically necessary controlled medications should be prescribed. The doctor should evaluate the patient’s condition before prescribing a controlled substance.

Controlled substance prescribing requires accurate and complete documentation. This involves maintaining correct medical records, documenting the justification for prescribing, recording dose instructions, monitoring the patient’s reaction to therapy, and documenting any controlled substance prescription talks or agreements.

Prescription monitoring programs: Healthcare professionals should use PDMPs to access controlled substance prescription histories. Healthcare practitioners can analyze controlled substance prescription information in PDMPs to identify misuse, diversion, or abuse.

Patient education and informed consent: Healthcare practitioners should tell patients about restricted substance dangers and benefits, side effects, correct usage, and the need of following dosage instructions. Patients should be told about dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms before consenting.

Controlled drug patients need regular monitoring. This includes analyzing the medication’s efficacy, the patient’s reaction to treatment, adverse effects, and misuse, as well as periodically revisiting the controlled substance’s requirement.

Collaboration and consultation: When prescribing prohibited medications for complex situations or high-risk patients, doctors should consult with pain management or addiction specialists. Consultation can improve patient care and lessen controlled substance hazards.

Prescribers must follow laws, regulations, and professional recommendations to protect patients and prevent misuse and diversion.


Question: Clinical judgment in prescribing includes:

Answer: Clinical judgment in prescribing is the healthcare provider’s capacity to make informed pharmaceutical therapy decisions based on clinical competence, patient knowledge, evidence, and patient considerations. Prescription clinical judgment includes:

Assessing the patient’s condition: Doctors employ clinical judgment to evaluate the patient’s medical history, present symptoms, physical examination findings, and pertinent test results. This helps determine the underlying ailment, treatment goals, and pharmaceutical therapy advantages and hazards.

Selecting the right medication: After assessing the patient, doctors determine the best medication(s). The mechanism of action, effectiveness, safety profile, potential drug interactions, and patient-specific features (e.g., age, comorbidities, allergies) are considered.

Individualizing the treatment plan requires clinical judgment. Adjusting dosage, exploring other methods of administration, addressing any contraindications or precautions, and considering patient preferences and adherence may be necessary.

Monitoring and follow-up: Doctors decide on drug therapy patients' monitoring settings and follow-up schedules. This includes monitoring therapy response, side effects, dosage modifications, and patient adherence.

Continuous assessment and adjustment: Clinical judgment prescribes pharmacological therapy based on patient response. Healthcare providers must analyze therapy outcomes, reassess the patient’s health, and make necessary drug modifications. This may involve changing dosage, drugs, or eliminating inefficient or dangerous therapies.

Healthcare practitioners must use clinical experience, evidence, and patient-specific information to make informed prescribing decisions. It improves patient outcomes and pharmaceutical safety.

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm: Version 2

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm: Version 1

TestBank: NR 508 Midterm plus Final Exam Preparation

NR 508 Midterm plus Final Exam: Multiple Versions

TestBank: NR 508 Final Exam Preparation

NR 508 Final Exam

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam

Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers: TestBank Solutions for Midterm NR 508

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide: 3 Versions


NR 508 Entire Coursework Weeks 1 – 8

NR 508 Course Material Week 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7

NR 508 RX Writing Assignments Weeks 2, 3, 7

Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider: TestBank Solutions

NR 508 Discussion Topic Week 1, Case Study Discussion Week 2, 3, 5

NR 508 Weekly Quizzes Week 1 – 7 (Summer 2020)

NR 508 Week 1 Bundle: Homework, Discussion, Quiz Collection

NR 508 Week 1 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020)

NR 508 Week 1 Discussion: Legal and Professional Issues in Prescribing (3 Versions)

NR 508 Week 1 Homework – The Practicum Team and the FNP Practicum Process

Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers: 4th Edition – TestBank

NR 508 Week 2 Bundle: Assignment, Discussion, Quiz Collection

NR 508 Week 2 Case Study Discussion: Original Post, Responses 75 Pages (Multiple Versions)

NR 508 Week 2 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020)

NR 508 Week 2 RX Writing Assignment: Celexa (citalopram) 20mgday tablet

NR 508 Week 2 RX Writing Assignment: Escitalopram 10 mg (Dual Variants)

NR 508 Week 2 RX Writing Assignment: Resources plus Assignment Samples

NR 508 Week 3 Bundle: Assignment, Case Study Discussion, Quiz Collection

NR 508 Week 3 RX Writing Assignment: Prednisone 10 mg

NR 508 Week 3 RX Writing Assignment: Metoprolol 50mg

NR 508 Week 3 Case Study Discussion: Case of Mr. Russell: 69 Page Responses (Multiple Versions)

NR 508 Week 3 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020)

NR 508 Week 4 Mid-term Exam (Collection)

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Possible Questions-Answers

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Possible Questions plus Study Guide

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Filled Outline + Chart (2 Versions)

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Review Questions/Outline (Spring 2020)

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Exam Study Guide: Filled (3 Versions)

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Exam Material

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm Exam (Package)

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm: Version 3 (Retired)

NR 508 Week 5 Bundle: Case Study Discussion, Quiz Collection

NR 508 Week 5 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020)

NR 508 Week 5 Case Study Discussion: Case of Maria

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Assignment Using Kaltura

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds PowerPoint Presentation: Osteoarthritis (15 Slide)

NR 508 Week 6 Test Your Knowledge (Summer 2020)

NR 508 Test Your Knowledge (Summer 2020)

NR 508 Week 6 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation, Quiz Collection

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation+Week 7 Discussion Based on Presentation

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation: Anticoagulants for Outpatient Treatment of Patients with Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation (13 Slides)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment: Migraine Headache (15 Slide)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds PowerPoint Presentation: Depression in Primary Care (15 Slide)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds PowerPoint Presentation: Asthma (15 Slide)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation: Allergic Rhinits (15 Slide)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment: Headache (15 Slides)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment: Diabetes Type 2 (15 Slides)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment: Sinusitis (15 Slides)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds: Hypertension Presentation (15 Slide)

NR 508 Weeks 6, 7 Grand Rounds Topics Overview

NR 508 Week 6 Grand Rounds PowerPoint Presentation: Parkinson’s Disease (Study Material)

NR 508 Weeks 6 plus Week 7 Grand Rounds: Cystitis and Pyelonephritis (Fall 2019)

NR 508 Week 7 RX Writing Assignment Metoprolol tartrate 50 mg

NR 508 Week 7 RX Writing Assignment Prednisone 10 mg

NR 508 Week 7 Quiz (100% Correct | Collection 2020)

NR 508 Week 7 Grand Rounds: Original Post & Responses to PPP (3 Versions)

NR 508 Week 7 Grand Rounds: Discussion/3 Responses to Peer’s PowerPoint

NR 508 Week 7 Review Questions with Answers

NR 508 Week 7 Bundle: Assignment, Quiz Collection

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam Summary

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam (Practice Q and A with Rationale)

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm: Version 2 (Retired)

NR 508 Week 4 Midterm: Version 1 (Retired)

TestBank: NR 508 Midterm plus Final Exam Preparation

NR 508 Midterm plus Final Exam: Multiple Versions (Retired)

TestBank: NR 508 Final Exam Preparation

NR 508 Final Exam (Retired)

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam (Retired)

Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers: TestBank Solutions for Midterm NR 508

NR 508 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide: 3 Versions