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NR 361 Information Systems In Healthcare: Comprehensive Support for Your Coursework

The convergence between healthcare and IT is the focus of NR 361 Information Systems in Healthcare, an essential subject. You have found the ideal location if you are in need of extensive help and direction. To ensure your success in this ever-evolving industry, our knowledgeable staff is here to help you every step of the way through NR 361.

NR 361 Entire Course Week 1 – 8

All of NR 361 Weeks 1 through 8 of NR 361 can be accessed here, including readings, exercises, and class discussions. We provide extensive resources to ensure your success in every facet of the course.

NR 361 Course Project Assignments Week 2, 4, and 6

Have faith in your ability to complete the NR 361 Course Project requirements. To help you succeed in this crucial part of the course, we offer instructions, sample documents, and other materials for each of the three Milestones.

NR 361 Discussion Questions Week 1 – 8

Discuss important issues related to healthcare information systems in depth. Learn about the NR 361 AACN’s Core Competencies, as well as standard terminology, the latest developments in informatics, the best personal communication tools, and reflective practice.

NR 361 Week 2 Assignment: Course Project Milestone 1 Template

Successfully complete the NR 361 Course Project’s First Milestone. Make use of the template and instructions we’ve provided to demonstrate that you grasp the significance of information systems in healthcare.

NR 361 Week 4 Assignment: Course Project Milestone 2

Take your NR 361 Course Project to the next level by completing Milestone 2. If you need assistance assessing how information systems affect patient outcomes, our knowledgeable staff is here to help.

NR 361 Week 6 Assignment: Course Project Milestone 3

Finish your NR 361 Course Project with complete self-assurance. Here, you’ll find the advice and materials you need to create an all-encompassing strategy for introducing an information system into a healthcare institution.

NR 361 Week 6 Discussion: Distractors in our Environment

NR 361 Discuss the effects of distractions on healthcare settings in an in-depth debate. Think about ways to reduce interruptions so that you can focus more on your patients.

NR 361 NCLEX-RN Need to Know Meds

Maintain a current knowledge of pivotal drugs for the NR 361 NCLEX-RN. To ensure that you are well-prepared for the pharmacology section of the examination, we offer a wide range of study aids.

NR 361 Week 8 Discussion: Reflective and Projected Practice

Think about what you’ve learned and where you see yourself in the future of healthcare informatics. NR 361 Discussions that promote introspection and analysis should be prioritized.

NR 361 Week 7 Discussion: Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings

Investigate the effects that patient care settings have on individuals' personal communication devices. Participate in conversations that dive into the benefits, problems, and ethical considerations that come into play when using these technologies in the NR 361 healthcare setting.

NR 361 Full Week 6 Bundle: Assignment plus Discussion

You will have access to a comprehensive bundle for NR 361 Week 6, which includes assignment support for NR 361 Course Project Milestone 3 as well as fascinating discussions on distractors in the healthcare setting.

Maintain your awareness of the most recent developments in NR 361 healthcare informatics. Discuss subjects such as telehealth, electronic health records, big data, and NR 361 artificial intelligence in the group setting.

NR 361 Full Week 4 Bundle: Assignment plus Discussion Topic

You will have access to a comprehensive bundle for NR 361 Week 4, which includes assignment support for NR 361 Course Project Milestone 2 as well as fascinating conversations on standardized terminology and language in informatics.

NR 361 Week 3 Discussion: Standardized Terminology and Language in Informatics

NR 361 Week 3 Discussion Investigate the significance of using terminology and vocabulary that is standardized in the field of healthcare informatics. Participate in conversations that bring attention to both the benefits and the difficulties of utilizing standardized terminology.

NR 361 Week 1 Discussion: AACN Essentials Self-Assessment

Evaluate how well you know and can apply the NR 361 AACN Essentials to nursing. Participate in talks that encourage introspection and development as an expert.

You can conquer NR 361 Information Systems in Healthcare with the help of our knowledgeable and helpful staff. Please allow us to assist you in achieving your academic goals, including success in this essential course.


Question: Which nursing measures are implemented to prevent effects of immobility while hospitalized? (Select all that apply).

Answer: Hospitalized nursing measures to avoid immobility include:

Turning and moving patients often to prevent pressure sores and improve circulation.

Helping the patient with active or passive range-of-motion exercises to prevent contractures.

Facilitating early ambulation and mobilization as tolerated.

Managing pain to ease movement.

Compression stockings or intermittent pneumatic compression devices to avoid DVT.

Promoting proper nutrition and hydration to prevent tissue damage and malnutrition.

Preventing urinary tract infections and skin breakdown by helping with toileting and cleanliness.

Question: Which precaution is necessary when caring for a client with Clostridium difficile (C-Diff)?

Answer: Contact precautions are needed for C-Diff patients. Entering the client’s room with gloves and a robe prevents C-Diff spores. Since alcohol-based hand sanitizers don’t kill C-Diff spores, handwashing with soap and water is essential. To avoid cross-contamination, use patient-specific equipment and supplies.

Question: Which is a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?

Answer: HIPAA violations include improper disclosure or breach of patient privacy and confidentiality. HIPAA violations include:

Disclosing a patient’s medical information.

Unattended patient records or charts.

illegally accessing patient records.

Publicly discussing patient information.

Unsecured patient data.

Unprotected email or faxing patient data.

Question: The nurse is providing discharge teaching to an elderly patient with a chronic lung disease. Which recommendation provided by the nurse would be most beneficial to reduce host susceptibility?

Answer: In older patients with chronic lung illness, yearly flu and pneumococcal immunizations reduce host susceptibility. These vaccines can protect against common respiratory infections and associated consequences, which can be severe in chronic lung disease patients. Reducing respiratory infection risk improves patient health and lung function.

Question: Which client would be placed in a private room with negative air pressure?

Answer: Clients with highly contagious airborne infections are housed in private rooms with negative air pressure. TB, measles, and varicella are examples. Negative air pressure in the room prevents airborne infections from escaping into the surrounding environment by forcing air inside the room. This isolation precaution protects the client and healthcare workers.

Question: A client has a medical order for non-weight bearing to the injured left leg. What instructions are provided to the client about proper crutch use? (Select all that apply).

Answer: If a client has a medical order for non-weight bearing on the damaged left leg, the following crutch use recommendations may apply:

Crutches on the unaffected side.

Use your arms and hands, not the injured leg.

Elevate the injured leg.

Fit crutches snugly beneath the arms.

Crutches' handgrips facilitate walking.

Advance the crutches and affected leg simultaneously.

These recommendations help the client maintain balance, stability, and weight distribution when using crutches and safeguard the wounded limb.

Question: A client arrives at the emergency room with an oral temperature of 104.3 degrees Fahrenheit. He has been working outside in the yard most of the day. On assessment, his skin is hot and dry. Which condition does the nurse suspect?

Answer: The client’s oral temperature of 104.3 degrees Fahrenheit, hot and dry skin, and history of yard labor may indicate heat stroke to the nurse. Heat stroke is a severe heat-related sickness with hot and dry skin and a body temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat stroke requires quick cooling to prevent organ damage.

Question: Which nursing diagnosis is the priority for a client with orthostatic hypotension?

Answer: Orthostatic hypotension is a nursing diagnostic of “Risk for Falls.” Orthostatic hypotension causes dizziness and falls by dropping blood pressure when standing or shifting postures. To protect the client, identify and reduce fall risk. Nursing interventions include gentle position adjustments, fall prevention education, and assistive equipment.

Question: A nurse is caring for clients on a medical-surgical unit. The unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) reports vital signs to the nurse. Which client should the nurse assess first?

Answer: First, the nurse should evaluate the patient with aberrant vital signs. It’s hard to decide which customer to check first without vital signs or symptoms. The nurse should prioritize clients with abnormal vital signs, indicators of deterioration, or UAP concerns.

Question: A client who has been stable throughout the shift suddenly calls to the nurse and states that she “feels funny.” What should the nurse do first?

Answer: The nurse should immediately evaluate a stable client who suddenly feels “funny” or develops new symptoms. The nurse should first assess the client by evaluating vital signs, oxygen saturation, and physical health. The nurse can recognize and treat emergency or deteriorating problems with prompt assessment.

  • What are information systems in healthcare nursing?

  • What is the impact of using information systems in the field of nursing?

  • What is the goal of the nursing information system?


NR 361 Entire Course Week 1 – 8

NR 361 Course Project Assignments Week 2, 4 and 6

NR 361 Discussion Questions Week 1 – 8

NR 361 Week 2 Assignment: Course Project Milestone 1 Template

NR 361 Week 4 Assignment: Course Project Milestone 2

NR 361 Week 6 Assignment: Course Project Milestone 3

NR 361 Week 6 Discussion: Distractors in our Environment

NCLEX-RN Need to Know Meds

NR 361 Week 8 Discussion: Reflective and Projected Practice

NR 361 Week 7 Discussion: Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings

NR 361 Full Week 6 Bundle: Assignment plus Discussion

NR 361 Week 5 Discussion Topic: Trends in Informatics

NR 361 Full Week 4 Bundle: Assignment plus Discussion Topic

NR 361 Week 3 Discussion: Standardized Terminology and Language in Informatics

NR 361 Week 1 Discussion: AACN Essentials Self-Assessment