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NR 525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning: Elevate Your Teaching Expertise

Do you aspire to be a teacher of distinction? Take NR 525, “Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning," to develop your understanding of the profession and acquire the abilities you’ll need to succeed in it. Our extensive online curriculum provides a deep educational experience in many different domains. Let’s take a look at the course’s foundational elements, which are broken down into the following sections:

1. NR 525 Course Assignments Weeks 3, 4, 6 and 8 (Spring 2019)

Participate in challenging assignments throughout NR 525 weeks 3, 4, 6, and 8, which will provide you with opportunity to put theoretical underpinnings and instructional strategies into practice in the context of teaching and learning. Improve your overall comprehension by engaging in some practical activities.

2. NR 525 Graded Discussions Weeks 1 – 8 (Spring 2019)

Take part in graded conversations that will span the entirety of the course’s NR 525 eight-week duration. Collaborate with other people who are also in the process of learning, sharing your thoughts, and reflecting on a variety of subjects that are relevant to education.

3. NR 525 Week 8 Graded Discussion: Reflection (2 Versions)

Participate in a NR 525 reflective discourse on your learning journey and the application of theoretical underpinnings and instructional tactics during the final graded discussion that will take place in NR 525 Week 8 of the course. Investigate the topic from two different angles, so that you can extend your perspective.

4. NR 525 Week 7 Graded Discussions (Spring 2019)

NR 525 WEEK 7 Participate fully in the graded conversations , which will delve into significant facets of both education and instruction. Take part in thought-provoking dialogues that will help you develop a deeper understanding of instructional strategies that are effective.

5. NR 525 Week 6: Assignment plus Graded Discussion (Spring 2019)

During NR 525 Week 6, you will work on an engaging task, which will be followed by a graded discussion. Apply what you’ve learned and demonstrate your mastery of teaching techniques while engaging in thought-provoking conversations with your classmates.

6. NR 525 Week 5 Graded Discussion: Replacement of Clinical Hours with Simulation

Investigate the possibility of using simulation rather than clinical hours in the nursing education system. Take part in a graded conversation about the benefits and challenges of integrating simulation-based learning during NR 525 Week 5 and share your opinions with your classmates.

7. NR 525 Week 4 Assignment: Teaching Plan (2 Versions)

During NR 525 Week 4, you will develop thorough teaching plans while matching various instructional methodologies with certain learning goals. Develop two distinct iterations of your lesson plan so that you can hone your abilities to provide instructive and interesting content.

8. NR 525 Week 4: Assignment plus Discussion

DuringNR 525 Week 4, you will have an intriguing project to complete, which will be followed by a lively conversation. Put your theoretical underpinnings and instructional skills to use, and receive feedback to help you improve your teaching methods.

9. NR 525 Week 3 Case Study Discussion Part III

NR 525 Week 3 will consist of a thought-provoking case study discussion that will be broken up into three parts. Examine situations that occur in the real world, put theoretical underpinnings into practice, and investigate different teaching styles in order to meet complicated teaching challenges.

10. NR 525 Week 3 Case Study Discussion Part II

In NR 525 Week 3, you will participate in interesting discussions on several case studies to further your understanding of various teaching and learning theories. Investigate the second part of the case study, in which you will learn how to incorporate evidence-based methods into your teaching practices.

11. NR 525 Week 3 Case Study Discussion Part 1

In NR 525 Week 3, you will engage in some thought-provoking activities, including analyzing the first part of a case study and discussing strategies for effective teaching and learning. Get ready to embark on this journey! Investigate new methods of getting a wide variety of students interested.

12. NR 525 Week 1 APA Quiz Solutions

You will get a fundamental understanding of APA formatting by taking the NR 525 quiz that corresponds to the first week of the APA style guide. It is absolutely necessary to have a solid foundation in the appropriate utilization of citations, references, and writing conventions in order to achieve success in academics.

13. NR 525 Week 3: Case Study Discussion Part I, II, and III (Spring 2019)

During NR 525 Week 3, you will participate in in-depth discussions on case studies that are broken up into three parts. Examine a variety of issues that arise in the classroom and in the learning process, applying theoretical underpinnings and instructional methods to the process of developing successful answers.

14. NR 525 Week 2: Graded Discussions (Spring 2019)

During NR 525 Week 2, you will be participating in lively graded conversations that will center on essential themes relating to theoretical underpinnings and instructional methodologies. Collaborate with your contemporaries, so that you can exchange ideas and broaden your knowledge base.

15. NR 525 Week 1: Quiz plus Graded Discussion (Spring 2019)

You will start your educational adventure with a quiz covering the first week’s material, which will test your grasp of fundamental ideas. After that, there will be a graded discussion where the importance of theoretical underpinnings and instructional methodologies will be investigated.

16. NR 525 Entire Course Weeks 1 – 8 (Spring 2019)

Experience the entirety of the NR 525 course, from Week 1 through Week 8. Find your way through a well-organized course of study, studying the ins and outs of educational theory and pedagogy along the way.

Take NR 525, “Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning," to unlock your potential as a teacher and fully embrace the art of teaching. Take advantage of a stimulating virtual classroom and get the knowledge you need to design engaging and instructive lessons for your pupils.


Question: Which of the following is the correct way to reference a book in APA format?

Answer: The correct way to reference a book in APA format is as follows:

Author(s). (Year of publication). Title of the book. Publisher.

For example:

Smith, J. (2022). The Art of Writing: A Comprehensive Guide. Academic Press.

Question: Choose the correct citation for this article in the text of a paper or discussion post for the first time?

Answer: Articles that are referenced for the first time in the body of a paper or discussion post should have the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the page number of the quoted material (if appropriate) included in the citation. After the first author’s name, add “et al.” if there are three or more authors.

Example for a single author:

(Smith, 2023, p. 25)

Example for multiple authors:

(Jones et al., 2022, p. 15)

Question: When using paraphrased or summarized content within your writings, the in-text citation must include which of the following?

Answer: Include the author(s) and publication year in the in-text reference when using paraphrased or summarized content in your articles. When citing paraphrased or summarized material, a page reference is optional unless you are citing a specific piece or sentence.


(Smith & Johnson, 2021)

Question: When citing two sources which both have the same author and year, which format should be followed?

Answer: In-text citations and reference lists should be formatted such that readers can easily distinguish between sources by the same author(s) and publication year by appending lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.) after the year of publication.

Example in-text citation:

(Smith, 2022a) and (Smith, 2022b)

Question: When referencing a web page, when should the writer include the ‘retrieval date’?

Answer: When citing an online resource that is subject to change or does not specify a publication date, the author must provide the date the resource was retrieved. You can include the date the reference was retrieved to the end of the citation to show when the article was accessed.


Smith, J. (n.d.). Title of the Web Page. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from

Question: Which of the following is true regarding Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)?

Answer: A digital object identifier (DOI) is a permanent link to digital information like articles and books. It is a unique alphanumeric string provided to each DOI. In APA style, it’s provided in the reference list to help readers easily identify your sources. Unless instructed otherwise by a teacher or publisher, the DOI is not required in the book itself.

Question: Which of the following typeface and font size are APA format approved?

Answer: Use a serif font like Times New Roman or Courier New, and set it to 12-point size in accordance with APA guidelines. Use the same font and point size across the whole manuscript, including the body text, headings, and bibliography.

Question: Which of the following is the correct in-text parenthetical citation format for the source listed below?


Smith, J. (2021). The Importance of Referencing. Academic Publishing.

Answer: The correct in-text parenthetical citation format for the example source is:

(Smith, 2021)

Include the author’s surname and the publication year in this reference. Include the page number after the year and a comma if you are quoting or paraphrasing particular material from the source.

Theoretical foundation and empirical evidence

challenges mount against the theoretical foundations

Gamification in theory and action


NR 525 Course Assignments Weeks 3, 4, 6 and 8 (Spring 2019)

NR 525 Graded Discussions Weeks 1 – 8 (Spring 2019)

NR 525 Week 8 Graded Discussion: Reflection (2 Versions)

NR 525 Week 7 Graded Discussions (Spring 2019)

NR 525 Week 6: Assignment plus Graded Discussion (Spring 2019)

NR 525 Week 5 Graded Discussion: Replacement of Clinical Hours with Simulation

NR 525 Week 4 Assignment: Teaching Plan (2 Versions)

NR 525 Week 4: Assignment plus Discussion

NR 525 Week 3 Case Study Discussion Part III

NR 525 Week 3 Case Study Discussion Part II

NR 525 Week 3 Case Study Discussion Part 1

NR 525 Week 1 APA Quiz Solutions

NR 525 Week 3: Case Study Discussion Part I, II and III (Spring 2019)

NR 525 Week 2: Graded Discussions (Spring 2019)

NR 525 Week 1: Quiz plus Graded Discussion (Spring 2019)

NR 525 Entire Course Weeks 1 – 8 (Spring 2019)