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NR 393 Nursing History: All-Inclusive Coursework Help

Hello, and thank you for enrolling in NR 393: The History of Nursing! This fascinating study of nursing’s history will take students back in time to examine the seminal events that have molded the field. We explore the origins of nursing, its development, and the role it has played in shaping modern healthcare.

NR 393 Week 3 Discussion: Reflection on Careful Nursing: With Responses (2 Versions)

The importance of “NR 393 Careful Nursing” is discussed in light of its evolution over time. Participate in in-depth discussions with your contemporaries as we investigate this vital part of NR 393 nursing care from a variety of angles.

NR 393 Week 3 Course Project Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse Template

NR 393 Week 3 Course Project Phase 2 You will have the opportunity to role play a chat with a historical nurse as part of the course project. You can use this sample as a guide as you learn more about the nurse and her contributions to the field.

NR 393 Discussion Questions Week 1 – 8

NR 393 Discussion Questions Week 1 – 8 Participate in thought-provoking weekly discussions on a wide range of historical nursing issues. You can share your insights and gain a deeper comprehension of nursing’s development in response to these stimulating questions.

NR 393 Week 8 Discussion: From the Past to the Future

In this, the NR 393 Week 8 Discussion final week, we will bridge the gap between the history of nursing and its bright future. Think about the things you’ve picked up along the way, and try to imagine what the future holds for nursing in the 21st century.

NR 393 Week 7 Discussion: Impact in the 21st Century (With Responses)

Investigate the ways in which nursing policies and practices are still shaped by historical events in the present day. NR 393 Week 7 Discussion Participate in the conversations going on among your peers and share your ideas.

NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Phase 3 plus Discussion Question (Bundle)

The completion of the NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Phase 3 course project entails the writing of a reflection paper that is centered on the life of the historical nurse. In addition, a question that prompts debate invites people to talk about how important it is to keep NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Phase 3 nursing history preserved.

NR 393 Week 6 Discussion: Reflection on 19th and 20th Century Nursing (With Responses)

NR 393 Week 6 Discussion Investigate the difficulties and achievements that the nursing profession faced in the 19th and 20th centuries. Participate in conversations to acquire a more in-depth grasp of the historical setting.

NR 393 Week 5 Discussion: Evidence-Based Practice Changes: With Responses (2 Versions)

NR 393 Week 5 Discussion Investigate the ways in which evidence-based practice has revolutionized nursing over the years. Participate in conversations on the impact that research and evidence have had on various nursing practices.

NR 393 Week 4 Discussion: Impact of 19th Century Nurses (With Responses)

NR 393 Week 4 Discussion Learn about the tremendous contributions made by nurses in the 19th century and the impact they had on the healthcare system. Participate in conversations that shed light on the vital responsibilities that they play.

NR 393 Week 3 Course Project Phase 2 plus Discussion (Bundle)

This package comprises the second phase of theNR 393 Week 3 Course Project Phase 2 Course Project, in which you participate in a simulated conversation with a historical nurse, followed by a discussion connected to the experience.

NR 393 Week 1 Course Project Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information Template

Beginning with Phase 1, “NR 393 Week 1 Course Project Phase 1 Collect Essential Information About a Selected Nurse from History,” is the first step in the process of completing a course NR 393 Week 1 Course project.

NR 393 Week 2 Discussion: Nightingale Information New to You: With Responses (2 Versions)

NR 393 Week 2 Discussion Gain a new understanding of the legendary Florence Nightingale and the contributions she made to nursing by reading this article. NR 393 Week 2 Discussion Participate in debates, and you could just learn something new.

NR 393 Week 1 Course Project Phase 1 plus Discussion (Bundle)

This all-inclusive package combines the first phase of the NR 393 Week 1 Course Project Course Project with a conversation that centers on leadership and the provision of care.

NR 393 Entire Course Weeks 1 – 8

Throughout the entirety of the NR 393 course, which spans eight enlightening weeks of learning and discovery, you will undertake a thorough investigation of the history of nursing.

NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Phase 3: Reflection Paper

In the NR 393 Week 6 Course Project final stage of the project for the class, you will consolidate all of your prior learning and reflections into a single complete reflection paper that will demonstrate your familiarity with nursing history.

NR 393 Week 1 Discussion: Reflection on Leadership and Provision of Care (With Responses)

Participate in conversations that are based on the essential components of nurse leadership and the delivery of care to patients. NR 393 Week 1 Discussion Discuss your thoughts and gain new perspectives with your contemporaries.

NR 393 Full Course Project Assignments Phase 1, 2, and 3 (Bundle)

NR 393 Full Course Project Assignments Phase 1, 2, and 3 Get instant access to the whole course project in one place, so you can move fluidly through the various tasks and build a solid foundation in nursing history.

In NR 393 Nursing History, we’ll delve into the fascinating history that has shaped nursing and will continue to do so as we go into the future. Learn more about the history of nursing, share your thoughts, and recognize the important role nurses have played.


NR 393 Week 1 Course Project Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information Template

Select one registered nurse that you know who is creating nursing history today to be the subject of this course project.

This RN must have at least 10 years of RN licensure.

The nurse could be a family member, friend, colleague, acquaintance, manager, former instructor, or other nurse who is creating, delivering, or influencing the practice of nursing in your area. Do not select a former or current patient.

Remember that all nurses are making nursing history today in their own ways, not just the nurses writing books or leading large health systems in innovative change.

Clearly explain to the selected nurse that statements made in the Phase 2 Conversation for this project will … recorded (audio, video, and/or written) and … to the instructor for scoring purposes. The interview is not intended for public access. The conversation will be about the … Nurse’s:

memories of nursing and nursing education;

contributions to nursing … to leadership, provision of care, and/or evidence-based practice; and

persons or events that have … the nurse’s professional practice.

Select a date, time, and location to conduct the Conversation with the … nurse to … scheduled between Saturday of Week 2 or during Week 3.

View the Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information Tutorial (Links to an external site.)

Download and use the Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information Template (required) linked in the Templates section below

Submit Phase 1 assignment on required Phase 1 template via Canvas by due date.

NR393 Course Project Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information Template

Directions: Answer the following areas and questions below.

Name, Credentials, Email, and Phone Number of Selected Nurse

Years Selected Nurse Has Been an RN and practice areas

How long have you known this RN and how?

Why did you select this RN? How do you think this RN is making history?

Date, time, and location of scheduled conversation (30 points)

Submission method planned for Week 3 Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse


NR 393 Week 3 Discussion: Reflection on Careful Nursing: With Responses (2 Versions)

NR 393 Week 3 Course Project Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse Template

NR 393 Discussion Questions Week 1 – 8

NR 393 Week 8 Discussion: From the Past to the Future

NR 393 Week 7 Discussion: Impact in the 21st Century (With Responses)

NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Phase 3 plus Discussion Question (Bundle)

NR 393 Week 6 Discussion: Reflection on 19th and 20th Century Nursing (With Responses)

NR 393 Week 5 Discussion: Evidence-Based Practice Changes: With Responses (2 Versions)

NR 393 Week 4 Discussion: Impact of 19th Century Nurses (With Responses)

NR 393 Week 3 Course Project Phase 2 plus Discussion (Bundle)

NR 393 Week 1 Course Project Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information Template

NR 393 Week 2 Discussion: Nightingale Information New to You: With Responses (2 Versions)

NR 393 Week 1 Course Project Phase 1 plus Discussion (Bundle)

NR 393 Entire Course Weeks 1 – 8

NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Phase 3: Reflection Paper

NR 393 Week 1 Discussion: Reflection on Leadership and Provision of Care (With Responses)

NR 393 Full Course Project Assignments Phase 1, 2 and 3 (Bundle)