Week 7 Learning Agreement in the MSN Program NR 630

30 August 2024

NR 630 Learning Agreement - Weeks 1, 4, and 7

Course: NR 630 Executive Practicum Category: Learning Agreement

Student Contact Information: Email: [Your Email] Phone: [Your Phone Number]

Mentor Information: Name: [Mentor’s Name] Credentials: [Mentor’s Credentials]


  1. Week 1: Complete the learning agreement by identifying your personal goals that align with the course outcomes. Outline your initial plan for achieving these goals. Review and discuss your goals and plan with your mentor.
  2. Week 4: Reassess your goals, the strategies for meeting them, and document the progress made toward achieving these goals. Submit the updated information as required.
  3. Week 7: At the conclusion of your practicum, evaluate your overall success with your mentor. Your mentor will then sign off on the final evaluation.

Important Notes:

  • Save this document as a Word file and enter the required information directly into the provided fields.
  • Refer to the Learning Agreement Grading Rubric for detailed grading criteria.

Learning Agreement Overview:

The Learning Agreement is divided into four sections:

  1. Student Learning Outcomes Table: Document your goals, plans, and progress.
  2. Plan Approval Signatures (Week 1): Obtain necessary approvals.
  3. Mid-point Signatures (Week 4): Confirm progress with mentor signatures.
  4. Final Signatures and Mentor Verification (Week 7): Complete with final evaluations and mentor verification.

Submission Deadlines:

  • Week 1: Submit the initial Learning Agreement.
  • Week 4: Submit the mid-point evaluation and any necessary revisions.
  • Week 7: Submit the completed Learning Agreement with all required signatures.

Practicum Requirement: A minimum of 100 hours of practicum experience is required for this course


NR 630 Learning Agreements

NR 630 Executive Practicum - Learning Agreement Assignment

Student Information:

  • Name: [Your Full Name]
  • Email: [Your Email Address]
  • Phone: [Your Phone Number]

Mentor Information:

  • Name: [Mentor’s Full Name]
  • Credentials: [Mentor’s Credentials]

Week 1: Initial Learning Agreement

Self-Identified Goals:

  1. Goal 1: [Insert Goal - e.g., Develop advanced leadership skills in managing healthcare teams.]
    • Plan to Achieve: [Outline the steps - e.g., Participate in team meetings, lead a project, etc.]
    • Course Outcome Alignment: [State which course outcome this goal aligns with.]
  2. Goal 2: [Insert Goal - e.g., Enhance understanding of healthcare financial management.]
    • Plan to Achieve: [Outline the steps - e.g., Work with the finance department, analyze budget reports.]
    • Course Outcome Alignment: [State which course outcome this goal aligns with.]
  3. Goal 3: [Insert Goal - e.g., Improve strategic decision-making abilities in healthcare settings.]
    • Plan to Achieve: [Outline the steps - e.g., Engage in strategic planning sessions, review case studies.]
    • Course Outcome Alignment: [State which course outcome this goal aligns with.]

Mentor Review:

  • Date Reviewed: [Insert Date]
  • Mentor Comments: [Insert any comments or feedback from the mentor.]

Mentor Signature: ____________________ Date: ____________________

Week 4: Mid-Point Evaluation

Review of Goals and Progress:

  1. Goal 1: [Restate Goal - e.g., Develop advanced leadership skills in managing healthcare teams.]
    • Progress: [Detail progress - e.g., Successfully led team meetings, completed a project.]
    • Revised Plan (if needed): [Adjust the plan if necessary - e.g., Increase focus on communication strategies.]
  2. Goal 2: [Restate Goal - e.g., Enhance understanding of healthcare financial management.]
    • Progress: [Detail progress - e.g., Gained insight into budget analysis, attended finance workshops.]
    • Revised Plan (if needed): [Adjust the plan if necessary - e.g., Request additional training on cost management.]
  3. Goal 3: [Restate Goal - e.g., Improve strategic decision-making abilities in healthcare settings.]
    • Progress: [Detail progress - e.g., Participated in strategic planning, applied case study learnings.]
    • Revised Plan (if needed): [Adjust the plan if necessary - e.g., Focus on long-term strategy development.]

Mentor Review:

  • Date Reviewed: [Insert Date]
  • Mentor Comments: [Insert any comments or feedback from the mentor.]

Mentor Signature: ____________________ Date: ____________________

Week 7: Final Evaluation and Reflection

Evaluation of Goal Achievement:

  1. Goal 1: [Restate Goal - e.g., Develop advanced leadership skills in managing healthcare teams.]
    • Outcome: [Describe the outcome - e.g., Successfully improved leadership skills, received positive feedback from team.]
    • Reflection: [Reflect on the experience - e.g., Leading the team was challenging but rewarding.]
  2. Goal 2: [Restate Goal - e.g., Enhance understanding of healthcare financial management.]
    • Outcome: [Describe the outcome - e.g., Gained a comprehensive understanding of financial management.]
    • Reflection: [Reflect on the experience - e.g., Applying financial principles in real-world scenarios was invaluable.]
  3. Goal 3: [Restate Goal - e.g., Improve strategic decision-making abilities in healthcare settings.]
    • Outcome: [Describe the outcome - e.g., Enhanced decision-making skills, contributed to strategic initiatives.]
    • Reflection: [Reflect on the experience - e.g., Strategic planning required a deep understanding of healthcare dynamics.]

Final Mentor Review:

  • Date Reviewed: [Insert Date]
  • Mentor Comments: [Insert any final comments or feedback from the mentor.]

Mentor Signature: ____________________ Date: ____________________

Practicum Experience

  • Total Practicum Hours Completed: [Insert Number of Hours]

Student Signature: ____________________ Date: ____________________

Submission Notes:

  • Ensure all sections are completed and signed by both the student and mentor before submission.
  • Submit the completed Learning Agreement by the end of Week 7.

NR 630 Executive Practicum Learning Agreement: An Analytical Essay

The NR 630 Executive Practicum offers students the opportunity to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical experience in a real-world healthcare setting. The Learning Agreement, an essential component of this practicum, serves as a structured plan to guide students in achieving specific, measurable goals that align with the course outcomes. This essay details the process and outcomes of my Learning Agreement over Weeks 1, 4, and 7, providing an analysis of my goals, the strategies employed to achieve them, and the reflections on the outcomes of my practicum experience.

Week 1: Establishing Goals and Initial Plans

At the onset of the practicum in Week 1, I identified three key goals that would enhance my competencies in executive leadership within healthcare. The first goal was to develop advanced leadership skills in managing healthcare teams. Recognizing the complexity of team dynamics in healthcare, I planned to engage actively in team meetings, take on leadership roles in projects, and seek mentorship from experienced leaders. This goal directly aligns with the course outcome of improving leadership and management abilities in a healthcare context.

The second goal focused on enhancing my understanding of healthcare financial management. As financial acumen is crucial for effective leadership in healthcare, I aimed to gain practical experience by working closely with the finance department, analyzing budget reports, and attending relevant workshops. This goal was designed to align with the course outcome of acquiring knowledge of healthcare economics and financial strategies.

My third goal was to improve strategic decision-making abilities in healthcare settings. In an environment where decisions can have significant consequences, I planned to participate in strategic planning sessions and review case studies to sharpen my decision-making skills. This goal was aligned with the course outcome of enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a leadership role.

After outlining these goals, I reviewed them with my mentor, who provided valuable feedback and insights. This collaborative approach ensured that my goals were realistic, achievable, and aligned with both my personal development needs and the course objectives.

Week 4: Mid-Point Evaluation and Progress

By Week 4, I had made considerable progress toward my goals. In terms of leadership skills development, I successfully led several team meetings and managed a small-scale project. These experiences allowed me to apply leadership theories in practice, and I received positive feedback from both my mentor and team members. However, I recognized the need to focus more on communication strategies, particularly in managing conflicts and ensuring team cohesion. Consequently, I revised my plan to include additional training and mentorship in this area.

For the goal of enhancing my understanding of healthcare financial management, my progress was marked by a deeper understanding of budget analysis and cost management. I had the opportunity to collaborate with the finance department on a project that involved budgeting for new equipment, which provided hands-on experience in financial decision-making. To further solidify my understanding, I sought additional resources and workshops focused on cost-benefit analysis and financial forecasting.

In the area of strategic decision-making, my involvement in strategic planning sessions proved to be invaluable. I contributed to the development of a strategic plan for the organization, applying the theoretical knowledge I had gained in class. Additionally, I reviewed several case studies, which helped me refine my approach to problem-solving in complex situations. However, I realized that long-term strategy development required a more in-depth understanding of organizational dynamics, prompting me to seek further guidance from my mentor.

At the mid-point evaluation, my mentor acknowledged the progress I had made and provided constructive feedback on areas where I could improve. This feedback was instrumental in helping me refine my goals and strategies for the remainder of the practicum.

Week 7: Final Evaluation and Reflection

As the practicum concluded in Week 7, I conducted a comprehensive evaluation of my achievements in collaboration with my mentor. In terms of leadership skills development, I successfully met my goal by not only leading teams but also improving my conflict resolution and communication skills. My mentor noted significant growth in my ability to manage team dynamics effectively, which was a testament to the practical experiences and mentorship I received.

The goal of enhancing my understanding of healthcare financial management was also successfully achieved. My involvement in financial projects provided me with a solid foundation in budgeting, cost management, and financial decision-making. This experience has equipped me with the skills necessary to contribute to the financial sustainability of a healthcare organization, a critical aspect of executive leadership.

Regarding strategic decision-making, I was able to improve my abilities significantly. My active participation in strategic planning and the application of case study learnings in real-world scenarios allowed me to develop a more strategic mindset. My mentor praised my ability to think critically and make informed decisions, which will be crucial as I advance in my career.

Reflecting on the overall experience, I realize that the practicum provided me with an invaluable opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. The structured approach of the Learning Agreement, with its emphasis on goal-setting, progress evaluation, and reflection, was instrumental in guiding my development throughout the practicum. The feedback and mentorship I received were critical in helping me achieve my goals and grow as a healthcare leader.


The NR 630 Executive Practicum Learning Agreement was a pivotal element in my practicum experience, serving as both a roadmap and a reflective tool. Through setting specific goals, regularly evaluating my progress, and reflecting on my achievements, I was able to make significant strides in my professional development. The experience has not only enhanced my leadership, financial management, and strategic decision-making skills but has also prepared me for the challenges of executive leadership in the healthcare sector. Moving forward, I will continue to build on the foundations laid during this practicum, using the insights and skills gained to contribute meaningfully to the field of healthcare leadership.