Solved NR451 iCARE paper

13 August 2024

ICARE in Nursing: Enhancing Patient Care through Compassion, Advocacy, Resilience, and Evidence-Based Practice

Hannah DiScala Chamberlain College of Nursing NR451 RN Capstone Course Spring 2023


In the ever-evolving field of healthcare, the ICARE model—comprising Interdisciplinary collaboration, Compassion, Advocacy, Resilience, and Evidence-Based Practice—serves as a foundational framework for ensuring high-quality patient care. As a registered nurse working remotely with a company that provides in-home urgent care, I have witnessed firsthand the importance of each component of ICARE in fostering better patient outcomes. This essay will explore how the ICARE principles are applied within my current role, emphasizing areas where improvements can further enhance patient care.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Interdisciplinary collaboration is crucial in nursing, particularly when dealing with large teams responsible for managing extensive patient populations. In my current role, our interdisciplinary team includes nurse care managers, social workers, behavioral health care managers, nurse practitioners, and licensed practical nurses. Each team manages approximately four hundred patients, and we conduct daily morning huddles via Teams to discuss patient issues and share critical information. However, the huddles are often too brief to cover the extensive list of patients, and they do not include social workers or behavioral health team members. To optimize patient care, it would be beneficial to extend these huddles and include all team members, fostering comprehensive collaboration and communication.


Compassion lies at the heart of nursing and is essential for building strong nurse-patient relationships that can significantly improve patient outcomes. According to the American Nurses Association (2021), compassion involves treating patients with respect, empathy, and understanding. In my telephonic role, active listening becomes a vital tool for expressing compassion, ensuring that patients feel heard and that their choices are respected. Our team excels at active listening, not only with patients but also with one another. This practice minimizes miscommunication and strengthens team bonds, ultimately leading to better patient care.


Advocacy is a cornerstone of the nursing profession, extending beyond patient care to include the nursing profession and the broader public. As noted by Caves (2022), advocating for patients involves ensuring that they receive the care they need and intervening when necessary to address gaps in their care. Advocacy also plays a critical role in improving workplace safety and policies. In my current role, interdisciplinary collaboration is key to identifying and addressing unsafe practices that could negatively impact patient outcomes. By working together, we can create a safer environment for both patients and healthcare providers.


Resilience is the ability to cope effectively with the demands of a high-stress work environment, a trait that is particularly important in nursing. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the necessity of resilience-enhancing interventions to combat burnout and restore balance among healthcare professionals (Henshall et al., 2020). My current company prioritizes resilience by offering team-building activities and providing “compassion days,” where employees receive paid time off to engage in activities they enjoy. These initiatives are crucial for maintaining the well-being of healthcare providers, which in turn leads to improved patient care.

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice is the foundation of nursing care, guiding interventions that are proven to improve patient outcomes. In my current role, we have implemented evidence-based practices to reduce hospital readmissions within thirty days of discharge. Research has shown that conducting a transition of care visit within three days of discharge significantly reduces readmission rates. Consequently, our company has shifted from scheduling these visits within seven days to three days. This change requires careful coordination between nurse practitioners and nurses, ensuring that the transition of care visit is conducted promptly. By adhering to evidence-based practices, we can significantly reduce hospital readmissions and improve patient outcomes.


The ICARE model is essential for delivering high-quality patient care, emphasizing the importance of compassion, advocacy, resilience, and evidence-based practice within interdisciplinary teams. While my current company adheres to many aspects of the ICARE framework, there is always room for improvement. By enhancing collaboration, expanding resilience initiatives, and consistently applying evidence-based practices, we can further improve patient outcomes and contribute to the ongoing advancement of the nursing profession.


American Nurses Association. (2021). Nursing (4th ed.). American Nurses Association.

Caves, L. (2022). What is advocacy? Ohio Nurses Review, 97(4), 22–22. Link

Henshall, C., Davey, Z., & Jackson, D. (2020). Nursing resilience interventions: A way forward in challenging healthcare territories. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(19-20), 3597–3599

iCARE Paper Sample 2

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR451 RN Capstone Course January Session, 2019

Introduction to iCARE in Nursing

As an acute care clinician nurse specializing in dialysis treatments within a hospital setting, the iCARE framework—encompassing Compassion, Advocacy, Resilience, and Evidence-Based Practice—serves as a cornerstone of our practice. We utilize a primary team care model, which empowers us to deliver the highest quality of direct care with a significant level of autonomy. This model allows us to collaborate closely with primary nurses, nephrologists, and other interdisciplinary team members to optimize clinical outcomes for our patients. By integrating the principles of iCARE, we enhance patient-centered care, improve teamwork, and ensure that our interventions are both compassionate and grounded in the latest evidence.

One area where we can further improve is by facilitating the continuity of care, particularly in the transition of dialysis treatments from the acute hospital setting to outpatient chronic care. This continuity is crucial for maintaining patient well-being and ensuring that the benefits of in-hospital treatments are sustained over the long term.

Compassion in Nursing Practice

Compassionate care is fundamental to nursing, especially when combined with effective collaboration within a multidisciplinary team. Compassion in nursing goes beyond achieving positive clinical outcomes; it is about fostering a deep connection with patients and their families, which in turn enhances trust, compliance, and overall satisfaction. Compassion also plays a vital role in creating a synchronized workflow and a safe, supportive work environment for healthcare professionals.

In our practice, we demonstrate compassion through building therapeutic relationships with our patients and their families. This involves active listening, addressing their concerns, and providing them with clear, reassuring information. Such interactions not only ease the patient’s anxiety during treatments but also contribute to better clinical outcomes by promoting adherence to treatment regimens.

According to Aagard & Biles (2018), compassion in nursing is characterized by an approach that involves caring, listening, and building rapport. By prioritizing these elements in our daily practice, we ensure that our patients feel valued and supported, which is crucial for their emotional and physical recovery. Furthermore, compassion helps to bridge the gap between different members of the healthcare team, fostering a collaborative environment where patient care is optimized.