NR621 Potential Education Practicum Project Topics

14 August 2024

NR621 Potential Education Practicum Project Topics


  1. Start Here: Identify the educational issue you want to explore.
  2. Decide: Determine how you want to approach the issue.
  3. Consider: Reflect on the possible outcomes of your project.

Category: Student/Learning Issues

Educational Issues:

  • Application of Learning in Clinical Settings:
    • Students aren’t applying what they learn in didactic instruction when they go to clinicals.
    • Students are not demonstrating critical thinking in clinical experiences.
    • High incident report rates among students.
  • Simulation and Concept Mapping:
    • High-fidelity simulation.
    • Relationship of fun to learning.
    • Application of the NLN/Jeffries Simulation Theory.
    • Simulation on a low budget.
    • Using simulation to prepare students for clinical experiences.
    • Incorporating critical thinking into clinical-lab simulations (beyond just procedures!).
    • Concept mapping vs. nursing care plans.
  • Instructional Methods:
    • Research-related lecturing and the use of PowerPoints.
    • Creative methods to teach students critical thinking using clinical topics:
      • Problem-based learning.
      • Using case studies.
      • Group learning.
      • “Team-based learning” by Michaelsen.
      • Virtual world scenarios.
    • Use of social media in teaching.
  • Assessment and Grading:
    • Poor performance on teacher-developed exams and standardized exams (e.g., ATI, HESI).
    • Inadequate methods for determining clinical failure.
    • Students objecting to their grades in clinicals.
    • Students disputing letter grades for clinicals.
    • Best practices in assigning clinical grades in nursing.
    • Determining whether students have met learning outcomes in clinical experiences.

Potential Project Topics and Approaches:

  • Improving Application of Learning:
    • Utilize high-fidelity simulation or concept mapping to enhance clinical preparation.
    • Develop strategies to integrate critical thinking into clinical-lab simulations.
  • Innovative Teaching Methods:
    • Explore creative teaching methods such as problem-based learning, case studies, or team-based learning.
    • Investigate the impact of virtual world scenarios or social media on student learning.
  • Assessment Strategies:
    • Analyze the effectiveness of concept maps versus traditional nursing care plans.
    • Develop best practices for assigning and evaluating clinical grades.

Possible Outcomes:

  • Assessment Metrics:
    • Improved clinical grades and critical thinking surveys.
    • Reduced incident reports and improved care plan grades.
    • Enhanced scores on teacher-made and standardized exams (e.g., ATI, HESI).
    • Increased student satisfaction and fewer disputes over grades.
  • Project Evaluation:
    • Use of debriefing conclusions and taped lab simulations to assess effectiveness.
    • Evaluation of unit and final grades, assignment grades, and clinical performance metrics.

This structured approach will help you clearly define your practicum project, identify relevant issues, and determine the best methods for achieving your educational goals. If you have a specific topic in mind or need further assistance,