NR504 wk7 Professional Coalition Project

23 August 2024

Slide 1: Title Slide

PROFESSIONAL COALITION PROJECT Lauren McManus Chamberlain College of Nursing NR504: Leadership Within Healthcare Professions January 2017

Slide 2: Macro-Leadership

  • Macro-Leadership
    • Responsible for creating a successful organization
    • Accomplished through:
      • Path-Finding: Discovering how to achieve successful future outcomes
      • Culture-Building: Enticing people into a meaningful organization
    • Influence Individuals

Slide 3: Coalitions

  • Change Leaders
    • Establish direction for change
    • Finding and creating options
    • Making decisions
    • Engaging the organization
    • Necessary in controlling sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Slide 4: Macro vs. Micro Leadership

MacroMicroBig PictureTask-OrientedTransformationalTransactionalEnact ChangeBuilding RelationshipsMutual Values and GoalsLeader/Follower Relationship

Slide 5: Macro-Leadership and Mastery

  • Mastery of Self
    • Balance, Congruence, Awareness
  • Mastery of Communication
    • Verbal & Non-verbal, Representational Channels, Meta Messages
  • Mastery of Relationships
    • Multiple Perspectives, Thinking Styles, Positive Intention

Slide 6: Overcoming Disadvantages of Coalitions

  • Relationship Building
  • Clear Expectations
  • Common Vision & Goals
  • Diverse Input

Slide 7: Pooling Resources

  • Collaborative Partners
    • Public Health Departments
    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    • Hospital Representatives
    • Local Pharmacies
    • Region Representatives
    • Community Involvement
    • State and County Laws

Slide 8: Communication Among Regions

  • Methods of Communication
    • Initial Meeting
    • Periodic Meetings
    • Telephone, Email
    • School Bulletins
    • Educational Materials

Slide 9: Successful Coalitions

  • Keys to Success
    • Communicating Progress
    • Reinforcement
    • Celebrating Small Successes

Slide 10: Avoiding Turf Wars

  • Strategies
    • Clarifying Roles
    • Setting Boundaries
    • Understanding Cultures

Slide 11: Vision Statement

  • Vision Statement “The people of the six-county region are empowered to ask for and acquire equitable and sustainable access to prevention, care, and treatment services, in order to combat the spread and successfully control STIs by 2020.”

Slide 12: Coalition Members

  • Key Members
    • Macro-Leader
    • Government Representative
    • Large Hospital Representative
    • Small Hospital Representative
    • Community Involvement
    • Understanding of Local and State Laws
    • Capable of Interpreting Data

Slide 13: Interaction with Government

  • Methods of Interaction
    • Meetings
    • Communication
    • Government Representative/Liaison

Slide 14: Effectiveness of Coalition

  • Measuring Effectiveness
    • Meeting Short-Term Goals
    • Staying Active
    • Making Progress
    • Sharing Ideas, Successes, and Failures

Slide 15: Key Points

  • Macro-Leaders lead to organizational success.
  • Coalitions are essential for change.
  • Mastery of self, communication, and relationships is crucial.
  • Data Collection and Interpretation guide decision-making.
  • Communication is the backbone of successful coalitions.

Slide 16: Self Reflection

  • Personal Insights
    • This project enhanced my understanding of the need for coalitions to implement change effectively.
    • Collaboration is key—no one can do it alone.
    • Having the right people in the coalition is critical for focus and success.
    • Implementing change is challenging but manageable with a strong team.