NR NR452 Week 1 Fundamentals Post Assignment:

01 January 0001

NR 452 Week 1 Fundamentals Post Assignment:

Complete an ATI Focused Review® and provide a detailed summary (2-3 sentences each) of four key concepts learned during the focused review.

  1. Client Safety: Use of Restraints
    • Restraints, both physical and chemical, should only be used as a last resort and for the shortest time necessary when less restrictive measures are inadequate. They are intended to protect the client, other clients, or staff, and should never be used for the convenience of staff, as punishment, or for clients who are unstable or unable to tolerate reduced stimulation. Restraints must fit properly, be easily removable, and not interfere with the client’s treatment, ensuring safety and dignity.
  2. Nasogastric Intubation and Enteral Feedings: Identifying Complications
    • Complications of nasogastric intubation, such as excoriation of the nares and stomach, should be addressed by applying lubricant and monitoring drainage color for signs of bleeding. Discomfort can be minimized by providing regular oral hygiene, ensuring proper tube irrigation, and verifying the functionality of suction equipment to prevent blockages.
  3. Rest and Sleep: Stress Relief
    • To enhance rest and sleep, clients should be encouraged to establish a bedtime routine, limit nighttime disturbances, and engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as personal hygiene or a back rub before bed. Additionally, they should exercise regularly but not within two hours of bedtime and avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine at least four hours before sleep to improve sleep quality.
  4. Nursing Role in Advance Directives
    • Nurses play a critical role in managing advance directives by providing clients with written information, documenting their advance directive status, and ensuring that the directives reflect the client’s current decisions. It is also essential to inform all members of the healthcare team about the client’s advance directives to ensure that care aligns with the client’s wishes.