NR NR447 SMART GOAL Utilizing Informatics

22 August 2024

SMART Goal Utilizing Informatics: Telenursing in Healthcare


In the healthcare industry, various techniques and core competencies are essential for providing patient-centered care. Among these, informatics has become increasingly important, integrating computer science, technology, and nursing expertise to enhance patient care. The American Nurses Association (ANA, 2001) defines informatics as the use of computer science and technology alongside nursing knowledge to improve care delivery. As technology continues to evolve, practices such as telehealth and telenursing are becoming integral to healthcare, enabling nurses to deliver care remotely through digital platforms.

Telenursing, in particular, represents the use of technology to deliver nursing care and conduct nursing practice. While the medium of care delivery changes with telenursing, the core nursing process—assessing, planning, intervening, and evaluating—remains consistent. As we move into an era where telenursing is increasingly commonplace, it is crucial for nurses to set clear goals for integrating this technology into their practice. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals provide a structured approach to achieving this integration.

SMART Goal: Implementing Telenursing in Practice

Specific: The goal is to implement telenursing in my practice within six months, using digital tools such as telemonitoring equipment, the internet, and computers to assess, plan, intervene, and evaluate patient care remotely. This will involve mastering necessary informatics skills, particularly computer literacy, to effectively utilize telenursing technologies.

Measurable: Success will be measured by the ability to competently use telemonitoring tools, perform remote patient assessments, and document patient interactions digitally. Additionally, patient outcomes will be tracked to ensure that remote care meets the same standards as in-person care. The goal is to successfully manage a caseload of at least five patients through telenursing within the first three months of implementation.

Achievable: This goal is achievable with dedicated training and practice. I will complete a series of online courses focused on health informatics and telenursing. Additionally, I will participate in hands-on workshops to practice using telemonitoring equipment and electronic health record (EHR) systems. Support from my healthcare facility’s IT department will also be sought to troubleshoot any technical issues during the initial implementation phase.

Relevant: Telenursing is increasingly relevant in today’s healthcare environment, especially in light of the growing demand for remote healthcare services. This goal aligns with the broader trends in healthcare towards telehealth and the increased use of technology in patient care. By mastering telenursing, I will be able to provide high-quality care to patients who may have difficulty accessing in-person services, thereby improving patient outcomes and expanding the reach of nursing care.

Time-bound: The goal is to fully implement telenursing in my practice within six months. The first three months will focus on education and skill development, followed by a three-month period of applying these skills in practice. By the end of this period, I aim to have a fully integrated telenursing process that can be used to manage a patient caseload effectively.

Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes (KSAs) Required

To successfully implement telenursing, several KSAs are necessary:

  1. Computer Literacy: A strong command of computer skills is essential for navigating digital tools, managing EHRs, and communicating with patients through telehealth platforms.
  2. Informatics Competence: Understanding health informatics, including data management, cybersecurity, and the use of telemonitoring devices, is crucial. This ensures that patient data is handled securely and that remote monitoring is accurate and reliable.
  3. Communication Skills: Effective communication is key in telenursing, as nurses must be able to convey information clearly and compassionately without the benefit of face-to-face interaction. This includes both verbal and written communication skills, especially when using digital platforms.
  4. Critical Thinking: The ability to assess situations, make informed decisions, and solve problems is vital in telenursing, where immediate physical assessment may not be possible. Nurses must rely on digital data and patient reports to make clinical judgments.
  5. Adaptability: As technology evolves, nurses must be adaptable, ready to learn new systems and integrate them into their practice seamlessly. This includes staying updated on the latest advancements in telehealth and informatics.


The integration of informatics into nursing, particularly through telenursing, represents the future of healthcare. By setting and achieving a SMART goal focused on implementing telenursing, nurses can ensure they are equipped to provide high-quality care in a rapidly changing healthcare environment. This goal not only enhances patient outcomes but also positions nurses at the forefront of technological advancements in healthcare. As telenursing becomes increasingly prevalent, the ability to utilize these tools effectively will be a key competency for all healthcare professionals.