NR NR 360 We Can but Dare We

22 August 2024

We Can, but Dare We?

Jaime Montelione Chamberlain University NR 360: Information Systems in Healthcare Professor Matson May 2018


In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, technology has become an integral tool for improving patient outcomes, streamlining operations, and reducing costs. Among the most pervasive technological advancements are smartphones and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. These tools are widely used for communication, efficiency, and care coordination within the healthcare industry. However, the integration of such technology into healthcare settings raises significant ethical, professional, and legal concerns, particularly regarding the security and privacy of patient information.

This paper examines the implications of using smartphones and social media in healthcare, particularly in light of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. It will explore a case where a nurse violated HIPAA regulations and the resulting consequences, while also weighing the advantages and disadvantages of technology use in healthcare environments. The discussion will underscore the importance of balancing technological innovation with the imperative to protect patient privacy and uphold professional standards.

Background on HIPAA

Before the enactment of HIPAA in 1996, there was a notable lack of standardized requirements and regulations to protect patient information within the healthcare industry. The transition from analog to digital information storage, driven by technological advancements, highlighted the need for stringent measures to safeguard sensitive health data. The digitization of healthcare processes, including payments, clinical functions, and health information management, necessitated a regulatory framework to ensure that patient data remained confidential and secure.

HIPAA was introduced by Congress to address these concerns, establishing the first comprehensive set of national standards for the protection of patient health information. The act mandates that healthcare providers, insurance companies, and other entities involved in healthcare operations implement measures to protect patient data from unauthorized access and breaches. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was tasked with developing and enforcing these regulations, which include provisions for the privacy and security of health information, as well as the rights of individuals to access their health records.

HIPAA Violations and Consequences

Despite the protections offered by HIPAA, violations of the act still occur, often due to the misuse of technology or lapses in professional judgment. A notable case involved a nurse who violated HIPAA regulations by sharing a patient’s confidential information on social media. This case highlights the serious implications of using social media in healthcare settings, where the boundaries between personal and professional use of technology can become blurred.

In this instance, the nurse posted details about a patient’s medical condition on her personal social media account, inadvertently revealing the patient’s identity. The breach was reported, and the nurse faced significant legal and professional consequences, including termination of employment, legal action from the patient’s family, and potential penalties from the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which enforces HIPAA regulations.

This case underscores the importance of healthcare professionals adhering to HIPAA guidelines and exercising caution when using technology that could compromise patient privacy. It also illustrates the potential risks associated with the use of smartphones and social media in clinical environments.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Smartphones and Social Media in Healthcare


  1. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration:
    • Smartphones and social media facilitate real-time communication and collaboration among healthcare providers, enabling quick decision-making and improving patient care coordination.
    • Social media platforms can be used for professional networking, sharing medical knowledge, and participating in continuing education opportunities, which can enhance clinical practice and patient outcomes.
  2. Increased Efficiency:
    • The use of mobile devices allows healthcare professionals to access patient records, laboratory results, and other critical information at the point of care, reducing delays and improving efficiency.
    • Applications designed for healthcare settings can help manage appointments, reminders, and medication schedules, thereby improving workflow and reducing administrative burdens.
  3. Patient Engagement and Education:
    • Social media can be a powerful tool for patient engagement, allowing healthcare providers to share educational content, health tips, and updates with a broader audience.
    • Patients can use social media to connect with support groups, access health information, and communicate with healthcare providers, fostering a more informed and engaged patient population.


  1. Risk of Privacy Breaches:
    • The use of smartphones and social media in healthcare significantly increases the risk of privacy breaches, as personal devices may not have the same level of security as institutional systems.
    • Unauthorized access to patient information, whether intentional or accidental, can lead to violations of HIPAA, resulting in legal consequences, financial penalties, and damage to the healthcare provider’s reputation.
  2. Blurring of Professional Boundaries:
    • The integration of social media into healthcare settings can blur the lines between professional and personal communication, leading to potential conflicts of interest and ethical dilemmas.
    • Healthcare professionals may inadvertently share sensitive information on personal social media accounts, leading to breaches of confidentiality and patient trust.
  3. Distraction and Misuse:
    • The use of smartphones in clinical settings can be a source of distraction, potentially compromising patient safety and the quality of care.
    • There is also the risk of misuse, where healthcare providers might use social media for personal activities during work hours, leading to decreased productivity and professional misconduct.


The integration of smartphones and social media into healthcare presents both opportunities and challenges. While these technologies offer significant benefits in terms of communication, efficiency, and patient engagement, they also pose serious risks to patient privacy and the professional standards of healthcare providers. The case of the nurse who violated HIPAA by sharing patient information on social media serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of misusing technology in healthcare settings.

As healthcare continues to evolve in the digital age, it is imperative that healthcare providers balance the adoption of new technologies with a commitment to patient privacy, ethical practice, and adherence to legal regulations such as HIPAA. By doing so, healthcare professionals can leverage the benefits of technology while safeguarding the trust and well-being of the patients they serve.