NR 602 iHuman help hints

11 August 2024

Guideline for Completing iHuman Practice and Graded Cases

The iHuman platform is an essential tool for developing clinical skills through case-based learning. Before diving into graded cases, it’s crucial to practice and familiarize yourself with the system using the available practice case. This guideline will walk you through the necessary steps to effectively prepare for and complete both practice and graded iHuman cases.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with iHuman Practice Case

  • Access the Practice Case:
    • Navigate to Modules > iHuman Practice Cases > William F Montgomery in your course portal.
    • This practice case is designed to help you get comfortable with the iHuman system.
  • Practice in Both Learning and Testing Modes:
    • Learning Mode:
      • You have 5 attempts to practice in learning mode. This mode provides hints, feedback, and allows you to explore the case without the pressure of being graded.
      • Use this mode to understand the flow of the case, practice asking the right focused questions, and performing a focused physical exam.
    • Testing Mode:
      • You also have 5 attempts in testing mode. Testing mode simulates the actual graded case experience, but it does not provide feedback or answers.
      • Practice in this mode to gauge how well you can perform without guidance, which will prepare you for the actual graded cases.

Step 2: Key Areas to Focus On

  • Navigating iHuman:
    • Spend time getting used to the interface, including how to navigate between sections such as history taking, physical exam, differential diagnosis (DDx), and ordering tests.
    • Familiarize yourself with where to find and input information.
  • Asking Appropriate Focused Assessment Questions:
    • Use the practice case to hone your skills in asking patient-centered, focused assessment questions.
    • Reflect on what you learned in NR509 (Advanced Physical Assessment) to help guide your questions.
  • Performing a Focused Physical Exam:
    • The iHuman cases are not comprehensive but focus on specific systems based on the patient’s presenting complaint.
    • Practice selecting the most relevant physical examination maneuvers that align with the case.
  • Formulating Differential Diagnoses (DDx) and Ordering Tests:
    • Work on developing a concise list of differential diagnoses based on the history and physical exam findings.
    • Practice ordering appropriate tests that will help confirm or rule out your differentials.

Step 3: Reflect on NR509 and Apply Knowledge

  • Use Knowledge from NR509:
    • Revisit concepts from your NR509 course, especially those related to physical assessment and focused exams.
    • Apply this knowledge when working through the iHuman cases to make informed decisions.

Step 4: Preparing for Graded iHuman Cases

  • After Practicing:
    • Once you feel confident with the practice case, you can begin attempting the graded cases.
    • Remember, the graded cases are worth 75 points each and are scheduled for weeks 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7.
  • Approach Graded Cases Methodically:
    • Start by carefully reading the case scenario.
    • Use the skills you practiced to ask focused questions, perform a targeted physical exam, and create a differential diagnosis list.
    • Ensure you order the necessary tests to confirm your diagnosis.
  • Submit and Review:
    • After completing the graded case, submit it and review the evaluation to learn from any mistakes.


Using the iHuman platform effectively requires practice and familiarity with the system. By completing the William F Montgomery practice case multiple times, you can build the skills needed to excel in graded cases. Remember to apply the knowledge from NR509 and approach each case with a methodical and focused mindset. With thorough preparation, you can maximize your performance in the iHuman clinical cases.