NR 576 Pathophysiology Study Guide

30 June 2024

NR 576 Pathophysiology Study Guide

  1. The correct proportion of water body weight to be expected in male is 60% (correct answer). In women 50% (correct answer). Infants 70% (correct answer).
  2. The correct proportion of blood body weight is 4% (correct answer) in male.
  3. Insensible fluid loss refers to water loss in sweating, sneezing, coughing, perspiration, and respiration (correct answer).
  4. When the osmotic pressure of the blood is elevated above normal, water will shift from the interstitial compartment into the blood (correct answer).
  5. Which of the following would result from a deficit of plasma proteins? Decreased osmotic pressure (correct answer).
  6. Which of the following will cause edema? Increased capillary permeability (correct answer).
  7. Which of the following would likely be related to elevated hematocrit reading? Fluid deficit (correct answer).
  8. Which of the following is typically a sign of dehydration? Rough oral mucosa (correct answer).
  9. Which of the following terms refer to a combination of decreased circulating blood volume combined with excess fluid in a body cavity? Third spacing (correct answer).
  10. Which of the following is the primary cation in the extracellular fluid? Sodium (correct answer).
  11. Which of the following is a cause of hyponatremia? Excessive sweating (correct answer).
  12. Which of the following is a common effect in both hypokalemia and hyperkalemia? Cardiac arrhythmias (correct answer).
  13. Choose the correct effect of increased parathyroid hormone? Increased absorption of calcium from the digestive tract (correct answer).
  14. Which of the following results from hypocalcemia? Skeletal muscles twitch and spasms (correct answer).
  15. Which of the following causes tetany? Increased permeability of nerves membrane due to low serum calcium (correct answer).
  16. In which of the following processes is phosphate ion not a major component? Blood clotting (correct answer).
  17. The normal serum pH is 7.35-7.45 (correct answer).
  18. When many excess hydrogen ions accumulate in the blood, the serum pH decreases (correct answer).
  19. The slowest and most effective control for acid-base balance is the kidney (correct answer).
  20. Which of the following is essential in order to maintain serum pH within the normal range? The ratio of carbonic acid to bicarbonate ion must be 1:20 (correct answer).
  21. Which is the correct effect on the body of abnormally slow respirations? Increased carbonic acid (correct answer).
  22. Which condition is likely to cause metabolic acidosis? Prolonged diarrhea (correct answer).
  23. What would a serum pH of 7.33 in a patient with kidney disease indicate? Metabolic acidosis (correct answer).
  24. Which serum value indicates decompensated metabolic acidosis? When pH is below the normal range (correct answer).
  25. What is the effect on blood serum when excessive lactic acid accumulates in the body? Bicarbonate ion level decreases (correct answer).
  26. The direct effects of acidosis are manifested primarily in the functioning of the nervous system (correct answer).
  27. Compensation mechanisms in the body for dehydration would include increased antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (correct answer).
  28. Which acid-base imbalance results from impaired expiration due to emphysema? Respiratory acidosis (correct answer).
  29. In a patient with impaired expiration associated with emphysema, effective compensation for the acid-base imbalance would be decreased urine pH and increased serum bicarbonate (correct answer).
  30. An anxiety attack often causes hyperventilation leading to decreased PCO2 (correct answer).
  31. One of the factors involved in the increased need for water in infants is higher metabolic rate (correct answer).
  32. Compensation for respiratory system depression due to anesthesia and sedation will be increased secretion of hydrogen ion into the filtrate (correct answer).
  33. A prolonged state of metabolic acidosis often leads to hyperkalemia (correct answer).
  34. Strenuous physical exercise on a hot day is likely to result in hypovolemia (correct answer).
  35. Place the following events in the correct sequence of events when ketoacids increase in the blood of a diabetic patient: Serum bicarbonate decreases, serum pH decreases, respiration increases, PCO2 decreases, urine pH decreases, serum pH increases (correct answer).
  36. Which of the following is a manifestation of respiratory alkalosis: Increased nervous system irritability (correct answer).
  37. Prolonged diarrhea results in loss of fluid and bicarbonate ions leading to metabolic acidosis (correct answer).
  38. In the initial stage, vomiting results in metabolic alkalosis (correct answer).
  39. Which two ions are most important in the body for acid-base balance: Cl- and HCO3- (correct answer).
  40. The bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer system helps maintain serum pH. The balance of carbonic acid and bicarbonate ion levels are controlled by the lungs and kidneys (correct answer).
  41. Alkalosis increases irritability and spontaneous stimulation of nerves by increasing the permeability of nerve membranes (correct answer).
  42. Hypocalcemia causes weak cardiac contractions because insufficient calcium ions are available for muscle contraction (correct answer).
  43. Serum potassium levels are affected by: aldosterone, serum H+ level, insulin level (correct answer).
  44. Which of the following is the primary control of serum Na+ level: Aldosterone (correct answer).
  45. The control center for thirst is located in the hypothalamus (correct answer).
  46. Which of the following apply to atrial natriuretic peptide: It is secreted by heart muscle cells and helps to control water and sodium balance (correct answer).
  47. What are the three mechanisms that control or compensate for serum pH: Buffers pair in blood, change in kidney excretion rate, change in respiration rate (correct answer).
  48. Hypokalemia refers to low potassium (correct answer).
  49. In the blood and extracellular fluid, hypernatremia refers to an excess of sodium level (correct answer).
  50. Increased milk or antacid intake can contribute to the development of milk-alkali syndrome, causing hypercalcemia (correct answer).

Chapter 1 Pathophysiology

  1. Which of the following are the most likely causes of iatrogenic disease? An unwanted effect of a prescription drug (correct answer).
  2. The manifestations of disease are best defined as signs and symptoms of the disease (correct answer).
  3. The best definition of prognosis is: The predicted outcome or likelihood of recovery from a specific disease (correct answer).
  4. Which of the following is considered a systemic sign of disease? Fever (correct answer).
  5. Etiology is defined as the study of the cause of a disease (correct answer).
  6. A type of cellular adaptation in which there is a decrease in cell size is referred to as atrophy (correct answer).
  7. A change in a tissue marked by cells that vary in size and shape and show increased mitotic figures would be called dysplasia (correct answer).
  8. A deficit of oxygen in the cells usually due to respiratory or circulation problems is called ischemia (correct answer).
  9. When a group of cells in the body dies, the change is called necrosis (correct answer).
  10. Rigorous weight lifting/bodybuilding regimens may result in the skeletal muscle cells undergoing hypertrophy (correct answer).
  11. The term cancer refers to malignant neoplasm (correct answer).
  12. To which of the following does the term apoptosis refer: preprogrammed cell self-destruction (correct answer).
  13. Which of the following statements is true: Damaged cells may be able to repair themselves (correct answer).
  14. Caseation necrosis refers to an area where dead cells form a thick cheesy substance (correct answer).
  15. Routine application of sunblock to the skin would be an example of a preventive measure (correct answer).
  16. A circumstance that causes a sudden acute episode of a chronic disease to occur is termed precipitating factor (correct answer).
  17. The term homeostasis refers to maintenance of a stable internal environment (correct answer).
  18. Which term is used to describe a new and secondary or additional problem that arises after the original disease has been established? Complication (correct answer).
  19. Pathophysiology involves the study of functional and structural changes resulting from disease processes (correct answer).
  20. Which of the following is the best definition of epidemiology: The science of tracking the occurrence and distribution of diseases (correct answer).
  21. Which of the following can cause cell injury or death? Hypoxia, exposure to excessive cold, excessive pressure on a tissue, chemical toxins (correct answer).
  22. All the following are part of the seven steps to health except: Participate in strenuous exercise on a regular daily basis (correct answer).
  23. The term disease refers to a deviation from the normal state of health and function (correct answer).
  24. A collection of signs and symptoms often affecting more than one organ or system that usually occur together in response to a certain condition is referred to as a syndrome (correct answer).
  25. All the following statements are correct about cell damage except: Initial cell damage does not change cell metabolism, structure, or function (correct answer).
  26. Which of the following conditions distinguishes double-blind studies used in health research: Neither the members of the group know (correct answer).
  27. If the data collected from the research process confirm that the new treatment has increased: evidence-based research (correct answer).
  28. A short-term illness that develops very quickly with perhaps a high fever or severe pain is called acute (correct answer).
  29. The term prognosis refers to the expected outcome of illness (correct answer).
  30. When prolonged ischemia occurs to an area of the heart, the resulting damage is referred to as infarction (correct answer).
  31. During the evaluation process for a new therapy’s effectiveness and safety, a double-blind study may be conducted during the third stage (correct answer).
  32. Why are the predisposing factors for a specific disease important to health professionals? To develop preventive measures (correct answer).
  33. Cell damage may be caused by exogenous sources such as certain food additives (correct answer).
  34. Which of the following is usually included in the medical history? Past illnesses or surgeries, prescribed medication or other treatments, allergies, herbal remedies (correct answer).
  35. A situation when there is a higher than expected number of cases of an infectious disease is called an epidemic (correct answer).
  36. The term pathogenesis refers to the development of a disease or sequence of events related to tissue changes involved in the disease process (correct answer).