NR 576 Differential Diagnosis in Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Exam Review

29 June 2024

Final Exam: Midterm Exam: NR576 / NR 576 Differential Diagnosis in Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Exam Review Guide with Verified Answers (2023/ 2024 Newly Updated)

Q: Non ulcer dyspepsia

Answer: called functional dyspepsia characterized by indigestion with no obvious cause

Q: Chomic Gastritis

Answer: inflammation of inner lining of stomach secondary to mucosal injury usually asymptomatic but may manifest as epigastric pain, heartburn, N/V and anorexia and weight loss

Q: Esophageal cancer

Answer: malignant cells within esophagus. s/s can include heartburn, dysphagia.

Q: Esophageal spasm/stricture

Answer: abnormal narrowing of the esophageal lumen, dysphagia is common s/s

Q: Cholecystitis


inflammation of gall bladder characterized by abd pain n/v and fever

Q: Hiatal hernia

Answer: prolapsed portion of stomach through diaphragmatic esophageal hiatus, heartburn common s/s


Answer: chronic disorder results from disordered sensation or abnormal function of small intestine and large intestine. Although not associated with serious medical consequences it does significantly impact individual quality of life.

Q: Risk factors for IBS

Answer: female 35-50yrs, family hx, trauma, stress, emotional, small intestine bacterial overgrowth.

Q: Characteristics of IBS

Answer: alteration in bowel habits, abd pain with diarrhea with or without constipation, or painless diarrhea

Q: Dx criteria for IBS

Answer: Recurrent abd pain (on average > 1 day per week in 3 months) with the onset of >6 months before dx. Pain in abd must be associated with two of the following:

  • Change stool frequency
  • Change in appearance
  • Pain related to pooping