NR 503 Week 7 Concept Map docx

03 August 2024

NR 503 Week 7 Concept Map docx

Concept Map Draft: Organized Steps

Central Theme: Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes in Population Health Epidemiology and Statistical Principles

1. Week 1 Discussion: Health Disparities

  • Objective: Understanding and addressing health disparities in population health.
  • Outcome: Creation of a caring environment to achieve quality health outcomes.
  • Related MSN Program Outcome: MSN Program Outcome #2 - Care-Focused.

2. Week 2: Healthy People 2020 Impact Paper

  • Topic: Analysis of Healthy People 2020 objectives and their impact on population health.
  • Outcome: Integration of clinical prevention and population health principles.
  • Related MSN Essentials: MSN Essentials VIII - Clinical Prevention & Population Health.

3. Week 2 Reading: Chapter 3 - Measuring Disease in Populations

  • Focus: Techniques for measuring disease incidence and prevalence.
  • Outcome: Enhanced understanding of epidemiological measures.

4. Week 3 Reading: Chapter 4 - Applying Epidemiological Methods

  • Topic: Application of epidemiological methods in nursing practice.
  • Outcome: Improved ability to apply population-based approaches in nursing.

5. Week 4 Lesson: Applying Evidence at the Population Level

  • Focus: Utilization of evidence-based practice in population health.
  • Outcome: Effective evaluation of interventions at the population level.

6. Week 4 Reading: Chapter 8 - Evaluation of Practice at the Population Level

  • Topic: Methods for evaluating public health interventions.
  • Outcome: Ability to assess the effectiveness of health programs.

7. Week 5 Reading: Chapter 2 - Identifying Outcomes

  • Focus: Techniques for identifying and measuring health outcomes.
  • Outcome: Improved measurement of intervention effectiveness.

8. Week 5: Infectious Disease Paper (Hepatitis C)

  • Topic: Analysis of Hepatitis C and its impact on public health.
  • Outcome: Development of targeted interventions to control infectious diseases.

9. Week 6: Epidemiological Analysis Paper (Chronic Kidney Disease)

  • Topic: Epidemiological analysis of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
  • Outcome: Enhanced understanding of chronic disease management in populations.

10. Related NONPF Competency: Practice Inquiry- Competency: Inquiry into practice to improve health outcomes. - Outcome: Application of epidemiological findings to nursing practice.

This concept map outlines the key steps in achieving the course outcomes for NR 503, connecting each week’s readings and assignments with relevant outcomes, competencies, and program essentials. It organizes the progression of learning from understanding health disparities to applying epidemiological methods and evaluating interventions at the population level.