NR 503 Week 7 Concept Map

03 August 2024

NR 503 Week Concept Map - Chamberlain College of Nursing

The “NR 503 Week Concept Map” assignment at Chamberlain College of Nursing is designed to help students visually organize and synthesize information related to population health, epidemiology, and statistical applications. This assignment not only helps students understand complex relationships but also fosters critical thinking and active learning.

Objective of the Assignment

  • Integrate Knowledge: Connect various epidemiological concepts, theories, and principles.
  • Identify Relationships: Illustrate interrelationships between factors affecting population health.
  • Enhance Critical Thinking: Evaluate data and information critically.
  • Promote Active Learning: Engage in constructing a meaningful framework of course content.

Structure of the Concept Map

Here’s an example of how you might structure your concept map:

  1. Central Theme:
  2. Subthemes and Branches:
    • Epidemiological Data:
      • Statistics on the prevalence and mortality rates.
      • URL for Reference: American Heart Association - Cardiovascular Disease Statistics
    • Risk Factors:
    • Social Determinants of Health:
    • Prevention and Intervention Strategies:
      • Public health initiatives, such as smoking cessation programs.
      • URL for Reference: Healthy People 2030 - Heart Disease and Stroke
    • Policy and Advocacy:
      • Health policies addressing cardiovascular disease.
      • URL for Reference: American Public Health Association - Policy Statements on Heart Disease
  3. Connections and Links:
    • Socioeconomic Status ↔ Risk Factors:
      • Explanation: Lower socioeconomic status can lead to higher exposure to risk factors like poor diet and limited access to healthcare.
    • Epidemiological Data ↔ Policy and Advocacy:
      • Explanation: Epidemiological data guides policy decisions and public health interventions.
  4. Supporting Evidence:
    • Ensure that each branch of your concept map is backed by evidence from scholarly sources.
    • Example of Scholarly Support:

Sample Points for a Concept Map

Here’s a simple example of how your concept map might be structured:

  • Central Theme: Cardiovascular Disease in the U.S. Population
    • Epidemiological Data:
      • 1 in 4 deaths in the U.S. is due to heart disease.
      • Leading cause of death for both men and women.
    • Risk Factors:
      • Lifestyle: Smoking, high cholesterol, obesity.
      • Genetic: Family history of heart disease.
    • Social Determinants of Health:
      • Income: Lower-income groups have higher rates of cardiovascular disease.
      • Education: Lack of education about healthy lifestyle choices.
    • Prevention and Intervention Strategies:
      • Community Programs: Initiatives to promote physical activity.
      • Policy Interventions: Taxing sugary drinks to reduce consumption.
    • Policy and Advocacy:
      • Healthcare Access: Expanding healthcare coverage to prevent heart disease.
      • Legislation: Enforcing regulations on tobacco sales.

Evaluation Criteria

The concept map is evaluated based on:

  • Content Accuracy: Correctness of the information presented.
  • Complexity and Depth: Depth of analysis and how well relationships are illustrated.
  • Clarity and Organization: Logical and clear presentation of information.
  • Creativity and Innovation: Innovative approaches to visual representation.
  • Scholarly Support: Use of evidence-based sources to back information.


Creating a concept map for the NR 503 Week assignment is an essential exercise that consolidates your understanding of population health, epidemiology, and public health policy. By drawing connections between various elements, students can develop a comprehensive view of the topic, which is crucial for effective nursing practice.

By referring to the provided URLs and using credible sources, you can ensure that your concept map is accurate, evidence-based, and well-organized.