NR 103 Transition to Profession UNIT 1 Small Group Discussion.docx

26 July 2024

Unit 1: Small Group Discussion

NR 103 Transition to Profession UNIT 1 Small Group Discussion.docx


Hello everyone, I’m Ameerah Dixon. I call Georgia my home, where I juggle the responsibilities of being a mother to five teenagers and working full-time as a Medical Assistant. In my downtime, I channel my creativity through crafting, especially using my Cricut machine to bring my ideas to life. I’m thrilled to be on this academic journey with all of you and look forward to sharing our experiences.

Questions and Answers

1. Is this one of your first few college courses? If not, what other courses have you taken? Do you have any other degrees?

This is definitely not my first rodeo when it comes to college courses. I started my academic journey at Georgia Military College (GMC), where I knocked out most of my core requirements. My coursework there included subjects like Biology, College Algebra, and Anatomy. Though I haven’t earned any other degrees yet, my time at GMC has armed me with a strong academic foundation that I’m eager to build upon here at Chamberlain University.

2. Have you developed a system that has helped you be a successful student? What was it?

Absolutely, I have devised a system that has significantly boosted my academic performance. Initially, I had the bad habit of completing assignments just before the deadline, which was incredibly stressful. To turn things around, I restructured my work schedule to carve out dedicated study times each day. This routine has been a game-changer, allowing me to stay ahead of my assignments and reducing last-minute rushes. Sticking to a consistent schedule has been the key to maintaining balance and ensuring success in my studies.

3. What has been your most difficult challenge in school? Test anxiety? Writing papers? Study skills? Note-taking? Why?

My toughest challenge in school has undoubtedly been time management. Balancing the demands of school, work, and family life is a constant juggling act. I’ve often found it challenging to carve out sufficient study time while keeping up with daily responsibilities. Establishing a daily schedule for studying and assignments has been crucial. This structure helps me stay organized and prevents me from falling behind, making the overall workload more manageable. Time management remains a work in progress, but each day I get a little better at it.

4. As of today, what do you see as the biggest challenge for you in nursing school?

Looking ahead, I anticipate that the biggest challenge in nursing school will be taking care of myself amidst the demanding schedule. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of assignments, clinicals, and exams, but I know that maintaining my health is essential. Learning to take breaks, ensuring I get enough sleep, and managing stress are all vital for sustaining my energy and focus. By prioritizing self-care, I hope to stay resilient and effective, both in my studies and in my future nursing career.