Healthcare Topic Debate PowerPoint Presentation NR552

26 August 2024

NR 552 Week 6 Assignment: Healthcare Topic Debate PowerPoint Presentation

Category: NR 552 Economics of Healthcare Policy

NR 552 Week 6 Assignment
Free Markets: Promoting Quality and Innovation in Medicine

The purpose of this assignment is to: a) investigate healthcare economic policy currently affecting nursing, b) describe the social, political, and economic forces influencing policy, c) support the enactment of policy based on impact to nursing practice, patient outcomes, and finances/cost, d) present ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.

Due Date: Submit at the end of Week 6.


This assignment will be a PowerPoint presentation to debate healthcare policy related to topics affecting nursing. All debate topics and sides of the policy must be represented. It is important for nurses to have knowledge of all sides of issues affecting nursing and patient outcomes so it is not important which side you receive. During Week 7, you will be able to review both sides and make a decision on where you actually stand on the issue.

  • Negotiate debate topic with faculty based on the assigned reading articles listed below. Negotiate with faculty which side of the debate you will present.

Buerhaus, P. I. (2010). Is U. S. health care evolving toward a single-payer system? An interview with health care economist Paul Feldstein, PhD. Nursing Economics, 28(3), 198-201.

Debate Topic #1: (side A) free market healthcare system versus (side B) government regulated single payer system

Elgie, R. (2007). Politics, economics, and nursing shortages: a critical look at United States government policies. Nursing Economics, 25(5), 285-292.

Debate Topic #2: (side A) free market without government interventions versus (side B) government intervention and subsidies

Hendrich, A., Chow, M. P., & Goshert, W. S. (2009). A proclamation for change transforming the hospital patient care environment. The Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA), 39(6), 266-275.

Debate Topic #3: (side A) increased registered nurse staffing versus (side B) maintain current staffing and utilize methods to increase efficiency

  1. Investigate the policy related to the debate topic.
  2. Provide an overview of the topic and policy related to the topic.
  3. Describe the social, political, and economic forces influencing the policy.
  4. Support the enactment of this policy based on impact to nursing practice.
  5. ……. on impact to patient outcomes.
  6. Support the enactment of this policy based on impact to finances/costs.
  7. The presentation is to be 5-7 slides in length excluding title and reference slides.
  8. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the 6th edition
  9. Include a minimum of three scholarly resources published within the past 5 years not including your textbook and assigned reading articles. References may include scholarly websites of organizations or government agencies and must be presented using APA format for electronic media.


NR 552 Week 6 Assignment: Healthcare Topic Debate PowerPoint Presentation

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: Free Market Healthcare System vs. Government-Regulated Single Payer System
  • Course: NR 552 Economics of Healthcare Policy
  • Date: [Insert Date]
  • Student Name: [Insert Your Name]

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Topic Overview:
    • Explore the contrasting healthcare systems: the free market healthcare system (side A) versus a government-regulated single-payer system (side B).
    • Importance of understanding the economic, social, and political implications of each system on nursing practice and patient outcomes.

Slide 3: Policy Overview

  • Policy Related to the Topic:
    • Free market healthcare promotes competition among providers, aiming to improve quality and innovation through market-driven forces.
    • The single-payer system is a government-regulated system where a single public agency handles healthcare financing, aiming to provide universal coverage.

Slide 4: Social, Political, and Economic Forces

  • Social Forces:
    • Public perception and trust in government vs. private entities.
    • Social equity concerns and access to healthcare.
  • Political Forces:
    • Political ideologies: Capitalism supporting free markets vs. socialism advocating for government regulation.
    • Influence of healthcare lobbying and interest groups.
  • Economic Forces:
    • Cost control through competition in free markets vs. centralized cost management in single-payer systems.
    • Impact on healthcare innovation, efficiency, and accessibility.

Slide 5: Impact on Nursing Practice

  • Free Market System:
    • Nurses may face varying work environments due to competitive market pressures.
    • Potential for higher salaries in competitive markets but also job insecurity.
  • Single Payer System:
    • Standardized working conditions and potentially more stable employment.
    • Focus on equitable care delivery might influence nursing practice standards.

Slide 6: Impact on Patient Outcomes

  • Free Market System:
    • Quality improvement driven by competition but potential disparities in care based on ability to pay.
    • Innovations may lead to advanced care but not universally accessible.
  • Single Payer System:
    • Universal access could improve overall public health outcomes.
    • Risk of longer wait times and possible rationing of care due to budget constraints.

Slide 7: Impact on Finances/Costs

  • Free Market System:
    • Potential for reduced costs through competition, but high administrative costs and profit margins may persist.
    • Patient choice in services could lead to overutilization of high-cost procedures.
  • Single Payer System:
    • Streamlined administrative processes could reduce overhead costs.
    • Fixed budgets may lead to cost control but could also limit available services.

Slide 8: Conclusion

  • Summary:
    • Both systems have distinct advantages and drawbacks that affect nursing practice, patient outcomes, and overall healthcare costs.
    • A balanced consideration of these factors is