ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Paper

26 August 2024

ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Paper


In fulfillment of the challenge posed in the midterm for ENTR 510, this paper will address several critical questions related to the entrepreneurial case study from our textbook. These questions aim to explore the potential attributes of the co-founders, the coherence and effectiveness of their business plan, the questions that need further exploration before launching the venture, and whether an investment in the firm is advisable.

Question #1: Hypothesized Attributes of the Co-Founders

The section titled “The Team” in the business plan briefly lists the founders’ information, but there is limited discussion about the specific attributes of the co-founders. Based on their successful venture, the following hypothesized attributes are proposed:

  1. Visionary Leadership: The ability to foresee market trends, innovate, and steer the company toward long-term goals is crucial. This attribute is important because it helps set a clear direction and motivates the team to achieve set objectives.
  2. Resilience: The journey of entrepreneurship is filled with challenges, and resilience is essential to overcome obstacles and persist in the face of adversity. Resilience likely played a key role in their ability to navigate the startup phase and adapt to market changes.
  3. Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is critical for building relationships with stakeholders, pitching to investors, and leading a team. The co-founders' ability to communicate their vision and strategies likely helped in securing funding and aligning their team.

These attributes are pivotal because they directly influence the startup’s ability to innovate, stay resilient during tough times, and effectively communicate and execute their business strategy.

Question #2: Analysis of the Business Plan

Coherent and Compelling Story

The business plan presents a coherent and compelling story that aligns with the founders' vision and market needs. It encapsulates the learning and experiences that Antonio and JB have accumulated, which is reflected in the strategic decisions outlined in the plan.

Three Strongest Aspects of the Plan

  1. Market Research and Analysis: The business plan demonstrates a deep understanding of the market, including customer needs, competition, and industry trends. This solid foundation is crucial for making informed decisions.
  2. Product Differentiation: The plan effectively highlights the uniqueness of the product, explaining how it stands out from competitors and fulfills an unmet need in the market.
  3. Scalability: The plan outlines a clear strategy for growth and scalability, which is essential for attracting investors and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Three Areas Needing Improvement

  1. Financial Projections: While the plan provides financial projections, they could be more detailed and conservative to account for potential market fluctuations. This would help in setting more realistic expectations and preparing for financial challenges.
  2. Risk Management: The plan could benefit from a more comprehensive risk management section, detailing potential risks and mitigation strategies. This would reassure investors and stakeholders that the founders are prepared for uncertainties.
  3. Marketing Strategy: Although the plan touches on marketing, it lacks specificity in terms of tactics and channels. A more detailed marketing strategy, including digital marketing and customer acquisition costs, would strengthen the plan.

Implementing these improvements would enhance the credibility of the business plan, making it more attractive to investors and better prepared for market challenges.

Question #3: Critical Questions Before Launching the Venture

  1. What is the most effective pricing strategy for our target market?
    • Rationale: Pricing directly impacts profitability and market penetration. It is crucial to determine a pricing strategy that balances affordability for customers with the company’s revenue goals.
  2. How do we plan to scale production while maintaining product quality?
    • Rationale: As the venture grows, ensuring consistent product quality is critical to maintaining brand reputation and customer loyalty. This question addresses the operational challenges of scaling.
  3. What are our long-term customer retention strategies?
    • Rationale: Customer retention is key to sustained revenue growth. Identifying strategies to keep customers engaged and loyal will be crucial for the venture’s success.

These questions are designed to address core aspects of the business model that will determine the venture’s viability and growth potential.

Question #4: Investment Decision

Would You Invest in This Firm?

Based on the analysis of the business plan and the hypothesized attributes of the co-founders, I would consider investing in this firm. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Strong Market Understanding: The founders have demonstrated a deep understanding of the market, which is crucial for navigating the competitive landscape.
  2. Innovative Product: The product differentiation highlighted in the plan suggests that the firm has a unique value proposition that meets an unmet market need.
  3. Growth Potential: The scalability strategy outlined in the plan indicates that the firm is poised for growth, which is attractive to investors seeking long-term returns.

However, I would require the founders to address the areas needing improvement—specifically financial projections and risk management—before finalizing my investment decision. Ensuring that these aspects are well-prepared would mitigate potential risks and increase the likelihood of the firm’s success.


The midterm paper explores critical aspects of the entrepreneurial case study, including the attributes of the co-founders, the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan, and essential questions that need addressing before launching the venture. Additionally, the decision to invest in the firm is supported by a detailed rationale that highlights the venture’s potential while also acknowledging areas for improvement. By addressing these elements, the firm can enhance its chances of success in a competitive market.