Business Plan Assignment Lisa Pettit NR 533

10 August 2024

Business Plan Assignment

Lisa Pettit

Chamberlain University College of Nursing

NR 533: Financial Management in Healthcare Organizations

June 2024

Executive Summary

The nursing profession operates within a highly complex environment, where effective communication is critical for ensuring patient safety and achieving positive outcomes. Miscommunication during the handoff process is a significant contributor to near-miss events and adverse outcomes, which can jeopardize patient safety, reduce staff satisfaction, and negatively impact the financial stability and reputation of healthcare facilities. This business plan proposes the development and implementation of a standardized handoff communication checklist for patients undergoing ambulatory surgery at Riverwalk Surgery Center (RWSC). The objective is to decrease adverse events and enhance staff satisfaction by improving the accuracy and completeness of information exchanged during handoffs. This proposal outlines the rationale, cost considerations, implementation strategy, and anticipated outcomes associated with the process change.


Effective handoff communication is essential for ensuring continuity of care and minimizing the risk of errors during patient transitions. The Joint Commission has identified handoff communication as a critical component of its National Patient Safety Goals, highlighting the need to address communication failures that contribute to adverse events. At RWSC, near-miss events or sentinel events occur in approximately 70% of handoff situations, indicating a pressing need for process improvement. This business plan will present a detailed approach to implementing a standardized handoff communication checklist, with the aim of enhancing patient safety, improving staff satisfaction, and ultimately supporting the facility’s mission of providing high-quality, patient-centered care.

Proposal Cover Letter

Lisa Pettit

913 Creighton Dr.

Fort Myers, FL 33919

June 16, 2024

Deborah Sparks, Administrator

Riverwalk Surgery Center

8350 Riverwalk Park Blvd, Suite 4

Fort Myers, FL 33919

Dear Mrs. Sparks,

As the clinical leader at Riverwalk Surgery Center (RWSC), it is my responsibility to continuously assess and improve our processes to ensure the highest standards of patient safety, outcomes, and satisfaction. Recent discussions have highlighted the impact of near-miss and adverse events on patient care, as well as the financial repercussions associated with these events. A critical area of concern is the handoff process, where 70% of near-miss or sentinel events occur due to lapses in communication.

To address this issue, I propose the implementation of a standardized handoff communication checklist for patients undergoing ambulatory surgery. This checklist is designed to ensure that all pertinent information is accurately and thoroughly communicated during handoffs, thereby reducing the risk of errors and enhancing patient safety. The proposed process change is aligned with our facility’s commitment to providing safe, high-quality care that improves patient outcomes and staff satisfaction.

Cost and Resources: The implementation of the checklist will require minimal financial investment, as the primary costs will involve staff training and time allocated for the development and integration of the checklist into our existing processes. No additional equipment or materials will be necessary.

Implementation Plan: The process change will begin with staff education, focusing on the importance of thorough communication during handoffs and the correct use of the checklist. Training sessions will include role-playing scenarios and discussions on best practices. The checklist will be piloted in a controlled environment, with ongoing monitoring and adjustments based on feedback from staff and patients.

Financial Impact: By improving communication and reducing the incidence of adverse events, we anticipate a positive financial impact, including reduced costs associated with extended patient stays, readmissions, and potential legal issues. Additionally, enhanced patient outcomes and satisfaction are likely to contribute to improved reimbursement rates and the overall reputation of RWSC.

I am confident that with your approval and support, we can implement this process change effectively and achieve significant improvements in patient safety and staff satisfaction.

Thank you for your consideration of this proposal.


Lisa Pettit Clinical Leader Riverwalk Surgery Center

PICOT Question

For patients undergoing ambulatory surgery at Riverwalk Surgery Center (RWSC) (P), does the implementation of a standardized handoff communication checklist (I) compared to the current use of a surgical checklist decrease adverse events and increase staff satisfaction (O) within sixty days (T)?

Rationale for the Project

Miscommunication during the handoff process is a significant contributor to errors that negatively impact patient safety and outcomes. The Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals emphasize the importance of effective communication during handoffs to prevent such errors. Despite the use of a surgical checklist, RWSC has experienced a high incidence of near-miss events during handoffs, underscoring the need for a more comprehensive approach. A standardized handoff communication checklist will ensure that all critical information is conveyed accurately and thoroughly, thereby reducing the risk of adverse events and improving staff collaboration and satisfaction.

Project Goals and Objectives

  1. Decrease Adverse Events: Reduce the occurrence of adverse events related to miscommunication during handoffs by 15% within sixty days of implementation.
  2. Increase Staff Satisfaction: Improve staff satisfaction with the handoff process by 20%, as measured by internal surveys, within sixty days of implementation.
  3. Enhance Patient Safety: Ensure that all critical patient information is accurately conveyed during handoffs, thereby improving overall patient safety and outcomes.
  4. Support Organizational Mission: Align the process change with RWSC’s mission, vision, and strategic plan by providing safe, high-quality, patient-centered care.

Implementation Strategy

Phase 1: Development and Staff Education (Weeks 1-2)

  • Collaborate with key stakeholders to develop the standardized handoff communication checklist, ensuring that it is comprehensive and user-friendly.
  • Conduct training sessions for all relevant staff, focusing on the importance of effective communication during handoffs and the proper use of the checklist.

Phase 2: Pilot Testing and Feedback (Weeks 3-4)

  • Implement the checklist on a pilot basis in select areas of the ambulatory surgery department.
  • Collect feedback from staff and patients to identify any challenges or areas for improvement.

Phase 3: Full Implementation and Monitoring (Weeks 5-8)

  • Roll out the checklist across the entire ambulatory surgery department.
  • Monitor compliance and effectiveness through regular audits and staff feedback sessions.
  • Provide ongoing support and education to ensure the successful integration of the checklist into daily practice.

Budget and Financial Analysis

Cost Analysis: The primary costs associated with this initiative include staff education and training time. The development of the checklist will involve collaboration with existing staff, minimizing the need for external resources. The overall financial investment is expected to be minimal, with the potential for significant returns in terms of improved patient outcomes and staff satisfaction.

Financial Benefits: By reducing the incidence of adverse events and improving staff satisfaction, RWSC is likely to experience a decrease in costs associated with extended patient stays, readmissions, and potential legal issues. Enhanced patient safety and satisfaction are also expected to contribute to improved reimbursement rates and the overall financial stability of the facility.

Evaluation and Outcomes

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Reduction in adverse events related to miscommunication during handoffs (target: 15% reduction within sixty days).
  • Improvement in staff satisfaction with the handoff process (target: 20% increase within sixty days).
  • Compliance with the use of the standardized handoff communication checklist (target: 95% compliance within the first sixty days).

Outcome Evaluation: The success of the standardized handoff communication checklist will be evaluated based on the achievement of the above KPIs. Continuous feedback will be collected from both staff and patients, and the process will be adjusted as needed to ensure its effectiveness and sustainability.


The implementation of a standardized handoff communication checklist for patients undergoing ambulatory surgery at RWSC represents a strategic initiative aimed at improving patient safety, reducing adverse events, and enhancing staff satisfaction. With minimal costs and the potential for significant financial and operational benefits, this initiative supports RWSC’s mission of providing safe, high-quality, patient-centered care. Approval of this proposal will allow us to move forward with the implementation, and I am confident that it will lead to measurable improvements in both patient outcomes and staff satisfaction.