3-Minute Thoughts Nursing

01 January 0001

3-Minute Thoughts

Write about a time that you were new at a job. When was it? How did you feel? Stressed? Excited?

Question:Write about a time that you were new at a job. When was it? How did you feel? Stressed? Excited?

Answer:I felt highly overwhelmed but excited simultaneously because it was my first experience ever working in a hospital setting. I remember feeling that I was never going to catch on and be able to handle the patient load on my own. Despite the initial stress, the thrill of entering a new and challenging environment kept me motivated. The complexity of patient care, coupled with the responsibility of a healthcare provider, made the experience both daunting and exhilarating.

What helped you become familiar with the new surroundings and role?

Question:What helped you become familiar with the new surroundings and role?

Answer:My coworkers were a massive help to me as I got acclimated to my new role. They showed me new skills and were a great resource if and when I needed help or had questions. My patients helped me get familiar with the different disease processes. Working on a medical telemetry/surgical floor, I began to notice patterns and commonalities in patient symptoms, which gradually enhanced my understanding and confidence. Engaging in continuous learning and seeking mentorship from experienced colleagues played a crucial role in my adaptation.

Did you have an orientation? If so, what helped?

Question:Did you have an orientation? If so, what helped?

Answer:I received a three-month orientation, and it helped me out a lot. I worked alongside a more seasoned nurse and learned without having all of the patients on my own until my final weeks. This structured learning environment allowed me to build my skills and confidence incrementally. Having a mentor to guide me through practical scenarios and provide constructive feedback was invaluable. The orientation program also included theoretical training sessions, which reinforced my practical experiences and helped me integrate theoretical knowledge with clinical practice.

What did you learn from the experience?

Question:What did you learn from the experience?

Answer:I learned how to think and be a nurse. This experience taught me the importance of critical thinking, time management, and compassionate patient care. I realized the value of teamwork and effective communication in a healthcare setting. Additionally, I gained a deeper understanding of various medical conditions and the intricacies of patient care. This foundational period in my career helped shape my professional identity and reinforced my commitment to continuous learning and improvement in the nursing field.