NR NR 511 ihuman week 5 report

04 August 2024

Performance Overview for Jessica Szymanski on Case Vijay Rao

Time Spent: 2 hours 33 minutes 32 seconds Status: Submitted Total Score: 84%

Section Performance:

  1. History
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 89%
    • Time Spent: 28 minutes 12 seconds
    • Performance Details: 43 questions asked, 23 correct, 3 missed relative to the case’s list
  2. Physical Exams
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 81%
    • Time Spent: 22 minutes 24 seconds
    • Performance Details: 41 exams performed, 10 correct, 2 partially correct, 1 missed relative to the case’s list
  3. Key Findings Organization
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 1 minute 48 seconds
    • Performance Details: 5 findings listed; 11 listed by the case
  4. Problem Statement
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 6 minutes 43 seconds
    • Performance Details: 97 words long; the case’s was 87 words
  5. Differentials
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 100%
    • Time Spent: 1 minute 16 seconds
    • Performance Details: 6 items in the differential diagnosis (DDx), 3 correct, 0 missed relative to the case’s list
  6. Differentials Ranking
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 100%
    • Performance Details: Lead/Alternate score: 100%, Must not miss score: 100%
  7. Tests
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 17%
    • Time Spent: 4 minutes 39 seconds
    • Performance Details: 1 correct test ordered, 3 extraneous, 5 missed relative to the case’s list
  8. Diagnosis
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 100%
  9. Management Plan
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 9 minutes 26 seconds
    • Performance Details: 344 words long; the case’s was 217 words
  10. Exercises
    • Status: Done
    • Score: 100% (of scored items only)
    • Time Spent: 4 minutes 18 seconds
    • Performance Details: 2 of 2 correct (of scored items only)

Attempt: 2517019

History Notecard by Jessica Szymanski on Case Vijay Rao


  1. Indicate key symptoms (Sx) you have identified from the history. Start with the patient’s reason(s) for the encounter and add additional symptoms obtained from further questioning.
  2. Characterize the attributes of each symptom using “OLDCARTS”. Capture the details in the appropriate column and row.
  3. Review your findings and consider possible diagnoses that may correlate with these symptoms. (Remember to consider the patient’s age and risk factors.) Use your ideas to help guide your physical examination in the next section of the case.

HPI Symptoms:

  • Abdominal Pain
    • Onset: 6-8 months ago, usually happens an hour after eating
    • Location: Epigastric, sometimes radiates to the back
    • Duration: Ongoing, pain comes and goes
    • Characteristics: Awakens him at night, feels like burning, occasionally stabbing
    • Aggravating: More often after he drinks beer
    • Relieving: TUMS, not eating, not drinking beer
    • Timing/Treatments: Antacids used to help the pain but lately are not working as well
    • Severity: Severe
  • Weight Loss
    • Onset: Past few months
    • Location: Generalized
    • Duration: Ongoing
    • Characteristics: Poor appetite, does not feel like eating much
    • Aggravating: Unknown
    • Relieving: Unknown
    • Timing/Treatments: Unknown
    • Severity: Mild, concerning
  • Heartburn
    • Onset: Unknown
    • Location: Chest, epigastric
    • Duration: Ongoing, chronic
    • Characteristics: “Worse than usual”
    • Aggravating: Unknown
    • Relieving: TUMS
    • Timing/Treatments: Antacids
    • Severity: Moderate
  • Black Stools
    • Onset: Twice in 3 weeks
    • Location: Stool
    • Duration: Ongoing, chronic
    • Characteristics: Black tarry stool, “stinky”
    • Aggravating: Unknown
    • Relieving: Unknown
    • Timing/Treatments: Unknown
    • Severity: Bothering