NR NR 507 midterm patho

26 August 2024

NR NR 507 midterm patho

Question 1: Which physiological characteristic makes infants highly susceptible to significant losses in total body water? Student Answer:

  • High body surface area relative to body size (correct answer)
  • Slow metabolic rate
  • Immature kidneys that are unable to adequately counter fluid losses (correct answer)
  • Inability to effectively communicate thirst

Instructor Explanation: The primary reason for an infant’s vulnerability to significant fluid loss is due to the immature renal mechanisms responsible for regulating fluid and electrolyte balance. These mechanisms are often not fully developed, leading to a higher risk of rapid dehydration. Additionally, infants have a high metabolic rate and a larger body surface area relative to their total body size, which increases fluid turnover. The inability to communicate thirst only becomes a significant issue in cases where the infant is not receiving proper care.

Points Received: 0 out of 2 Comments:

Question 2: Which hepatitis virus is known to be transmitted through sexual contact? Student Answer:

  • Hepatitis B (correct answer)
  • Hepatitis D (correct answer)

Points Received: 2 out of 2 Comments:

Question 3: Why is a person with type O blood considered a universal donor? Points Received: 0 out of 2 Comments:

Question 4: During an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reaction, which type of leukocyte is activated? Student Answer:

  • Neutrophils
  • Monocytes
  • Eosinophils (correct answer)
  • T lymphocytes

Instructor Explanation: In IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions, eosinophils are the specific type of leukocyte that becomes activated. Among the options provided, only eosinophils play a role in these reactions.

Points Received: 2 out of 2 Comments:

Question 5: What is the life span of an erythrocyte in days? Student Answer:

  • 100 to 120 days (correct answer)
  • 200 to 240 days

Instructor Explanation: Erythrocytes, which are incapable of mitotic division, have a limited life span of approximately 120 days.

Points Received: 2 out of 2 Comments:

Question 6: Which part of the kidney is responsible for controlling renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, and renin secretion? Correct Answer:

  • The juxtaglomerular apparatus (correct answer)